The Flushing Hate Crimes
Below is an article from the English Epoch Times. The young mother described in the article is Dr. Tongwen Wang. The baby in the stroller is little Lotus Blossom Weiss. Both are Americans, not Chinese. Lotus was born on March 22, 2006. At the time of attack, she was only 2 years old. Details of what happened that day is described in the articles followed.
'Party Nature' on Kissena Boulevard
By Stephen Gregory
Epoch Times Staff
Jun 19, 2008
The encircling and cursing of a young mother in Flushing provides an example of "party nature." (Dayin Chen/Epoch Times)
Sometimes a single photo can capture an instant that goes to the heart of complicated events.
Such a photo was snapped the week before last. In the photo, a young Chinese mother—you can see her right hand is on a baby carriage—is in distress and appears to be turning for help to the only non-
Chinese face in the crowd, a black gentleman who is looking down at her.
The instant before this photo was snapped, a group of Chinese men had crowded around her and were shouting insults and curses at her in Chinese.
Chinese face in the crowd, a black gentleman who is looking down at her.
The young mother is a Falun Gong practitioner, and many of the men crowding around her are part of a mob that the Chinese Consul General for New York is known to have encouraged.
The photo was taken by Dayin Chen of The Epoch Times on Kissena Boulevard, the main drag of Flushing, a neighborhood in New York City of several hundred thousand people.
Since mid-May, the peace of Flushing has been disturbed by organized attempts to intimidate and sometimes physically assault Falun Gong practitioners who have gone there to urge Chinese to withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Party Nature
How could grown men in a time of peace and plenty gather together on a public street to bully an unprotected, young mother pushing her child in a stroller?
The Chinese refer to something called "party nature."
Perhaps the most terrifying examples of the power of party nature occurred during the Cultural Revolution, when students would humiliate and torture teachers, and children would inform on their parents.
The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party tells a story about Zhou Enlai, a powerful member of the CCP who rose to the rank of premier under Mao Zedong.
Upon the death of a comrade whom he was close to, Zhou adopted that man's daughter as his own. Years later, during the Cultural Revolution, the daughter was publicly criticized. Arrested, she died in jail when a long nail was driven through her skull. In signing his daughter's arrest warrant, Zhou had shown "good" party nature.
Someone demonstrates party nature when he or she puts the Party ahead of anything else—such as a father's love for his daughter.
From the beginning, the CCP has put its own survival ahead of all other concerns.
Through terror and indoctrination the Party has made what it wants become absolute, transcending humanity.
Terror isolates the individual so that survival is understood to depend on pleasing the Party.
And indoctrination establishes the mental habit of believing to be true what the Party says is true, no matter what one's own judgment might suggest.
For full coverage of the Flushing disturbances please see
This decades-long habit of mind that is party nature still clings to the Chinese people.
It blocks them from being able to see things clearly and sometimes involves them in doing evil, such as the harassment of the young mother on Kissena Boulevard.
Humanity Reasserts Itself
But the men surrounding the young mother in the photo are shown to have fallen silent when she cried out.
Perhaps a sense of shame at what they were doing took hold. In any case, their party nature momentarily failed, and a part of their humanity reasserted itself.
Party nature depends ultimately on the reality of terror.
But the CCP does not rule in Flushing. One doesn't need to degrade oneself by shouting curses at, spitting on, or beating Falun Gong practitioners.
Here in the United States, one can walk away, and many who had originally taken part in the Consul General's mobs have done so.
In fact, the gossip from Flushing has been that the Chinese regime is now importing people from mainland China to do this dirty work.
The regime can unfortunately count on having much stronger control over these new arrivals, who also will have had much less chance to know the truth of what is happening here.
Meanwhile, all of the fuss created in Flushing has forced the Chinese people in the neighborhood to confront their own deep fear and to recognize the reality before them.
They cannot deny the ugliness of a gang cursing a young mother. They see before them the evidence for why the Falun Gong practitioners have been asking the Chinese people to withdraw from the CCP—and they are now taking sides.
This past weekend, one of our staff was distributing our Chinese-language paper.
A man from the neighborhood came up to take it, and a voice yelled out, "Don't take that paper!"
The man from the neighborhood turned on the man who was shouting and said, "She is a woman standing in the scorching sun offering free newspapers. Look at you. A man wearing sunglasses, hiding in the shade, telling me not to accept the newspaper. In my opinion, you are an evil cult!"
The man hiding in the shade could not do anything but skulk off.
The Epoch Times has always taken the lead in making the case for withdrawing from the CCP.
We understand that in doing so, the Chinese people are walking out of the shade and into the sunshine.
The CCP has slaughtered the Chinese people by the tens of millions and made miserable those who have survived.
But it has never eradicated from the human breast the natural desire to cherish and protect mothers and children.
As more and more Chinese people come to reaffirm the goodness in their human nature, party nature is crumbling along with the party that created this inhuman thing.
A Mother with Two-Year Old Daughter Attacked in Front of Flushing Library
(Story told by Dr. Tongwen Wang)
On the morning of May 20, I took my daughter Lotus (two years old) to buy some Chinese food on Main Street and happened to pass the Flushing Library. I saw a group of people yelling vicious slogans in Chinese and police officers were already there to protect the other group of people who I know. They are local Falun Dafa practitioners who have been, in the past several years, setting up a little booth in front of the Flushing Library to give out information on the persecution of Falun Dafa in China. I saw them surrounded by the barricades set up by police and silently holding posters and banners, while the other group kept on cursing vicious slogans. After I bought the Chinese food, I decided to take her into the Flushing Library. When I walked near the door of the library, I overheard the conversation between two young men. A young Chinese fellow was trying to explain to his friend, an American, what is going on behind the turmoil. Since the young Chinese fellow apparently was misunderstanding the situation, I decided to stop and make a quick comment on the event. I just started to explain to the young American what was going on, I noticed that I was already surrounded by a large crowd of Chinese people, who, even not knowing what I was talking about (since I was speaking in English while most of the Chinese surrounding me apparently cannot speak any English), started to curse at me. I realized that I happened to be wearing a button which says: Falun Dafa is Good, in Chinese and in English. Therefore, the only reason I was cursed at was because I was wearing that button that revealed my identity: a Falun Dafa practitioner or a supporter of Falun Dafa.
Approximately over twenty people surrounded me and the fingers from those who were cursing me almost touched my face. They were all full of anger and hate and a lady, who could be a mother also, slapped my head from behind me. Another lady yelled that I deserved to die. When a man was trying to take a picture of what was going on using his cell phone, his cell phone was smashed onto the floor and broke into pieces. One middle aged man even attempted to take Lotus out from the carriage. I immediately stopped him. The young American could not believe what was happening in front of his eyes, and asked me why they are so angry. I told him that the Chinese Communist Party has been teaching Chinese people to hate instead of love. The true nature of the Chinese Communist Party has been revealed by a set of articles, called the Nine Commentary on the Communist Party. The booth in front of the Flushing Library has been giving out free copies of the Nine Commentaries. Later I learned that the turmoil that has been happening in front of the Flushing Library in the past several days, since May 17, is an organized event orchestrated directly by Zhou Yongkang, who is the Secretary of the CCP Political and Judicial Committee, and has been one of the Heads that are in charge of the evil persecution of Falun Dafa. In the past several months, Zhou has been using oversea Chinese Organizations and Student Organizations controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, and using money to buy local ruffians and hooligans to cause social turmoil, with an intention to disrupt gatherings of oversea Chinese in supporting the Chinese Public to quit the CCP and gatherings of the Human Rights Torch Relay, which aims to let the world know the human rights violation in China cannot coexist with Olympics. The Chinese Communist Party has been worsening its human rights violation under the name of the Olympics. Recently, the Sichuan Earth Quake made so many young school children lost their lives, and the reason of so many death is primarily caused by the Chinese Communist Party. The earth quake was predicted by Chinese scientists, but was prevented from being released to the public by the Chinese Government Officials, who claimed that social order is more important to maintain for the sake of the upcoming Olympics. The collapse of large amount of school buildings is also caused by the corruption of Chinese Communist Party Government Officials, who pocketed the money for school buildings and used cheap materials in the construction. Sadly, after the earth quake, the CCP Government refused timely rescue from international rescue teams and caused even more unnecessary death. The media report about the earth quake centered on the “Glorious” “good deeds” of the CCP Officials, instead of the dying Chinese who were neglected and suffering terribly. Due to the controlled media, the oversea Chinese in Flushing naively believed in the patriotic lies of the CCP and start to transfer their anxiety about the earthquake to the innocent Falun Dafa practitioners here in Flushing.
I, an American Citizen and a scientist, started to practice Falun Dafa in 2000, and because I wrote articles on the topics of the health benefits of Falun Dafa, I have been subjected to persecution by the Chinese Communist Party. You may find it hard to believe that an American Citizen, who is a leader in the frontier of life science, simply because of practicing Falun Dafa and wrote several articles to tell people Falun Dafa is good, now is on a blacklist in China, and in the past several years, were subjected to emotional torture, labeled to be mentally ill, and was forced into a situation of almost homeless. From my own personal experience, I believe that American Citizens are not effectively protected if the American Government Officials, American Organizations, American Legal Systems and Police are not well-informed on the issue of Falun Dafa. The incidence occurred in front of the Flushing Library recently reminded me what has happened to me in the past several years and make me more clear on how important it is to inform the American people what is truly happening in China.
I came to America in 1988 and obtained my Ph.D. in the field of Molecular Biology and Cell Biology. In 1992, after I obtained my Ph.D., I started my postdoctoral training in Harvard Medical School. Soon I became a rising star in my research field and became a faculty member at Harvard. In 1999, I took a new position in an Immunology Research Institute in Seattle Washington in order to be able to carry out my own independent research projects. Due to the struggles in an extremely competitive field, I became ill and conventional medications failed to help me. So in the Spring of 2000, following the introduction by a close friend from Boston, I started to practice Falun Dafa. The practice brought me health and purified my soul. I was amazed by the health benefits of the practice and developed a strong interest in studying such a phenomenon. I also started to write and publish some articles to express my thoughts regarding this.
However, soon I found myself a target of the CCP: I was informed that I was already blacklisted in China and my research collaboration opportunities and teaching opportunities in China were both stopped immediately. My parents were subjected to threats and deceptions by the local Chinese government. My husband, then, was subjected to brainwash by the hate propaganda spread from the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco and soon was ready to divorce me in order to “protect” my son, Noah. In 2003, my research position at the Benaroya Research Institute was terminated under the pressure from Gary Locke, who was the Governor of State of Washington and was pressured by CCP government directly to withdraw the proclamation of supporting Falun Dafa in 1999. He sent a representative to the BRI to pressure the Director of BRI, Dr. Jerry Nepom. In 2005, my own elder brother, Jianxin Bao, was instructed by my parents, Yueqin Bao and Yufeng Wang, to take control of all of my financial resource through labeling me to be “suffering from severe manic depression”, using a fake medical diagnosis presented to the Seattle Civil Court, by Amelia-Gallitano Mendel, and put me under the “Guardianship” of my brother, Jianxin Bao. Under the “Guardianship”, Jianxin Bao cleaned up my bank account, confiscated all of my personal properties, Falun Dafa books, Master Li’s photo, my computer and printer. My house was sold at the lowest price. Jianxin Bao first tried to force me to go back to China. Upon hearing that I was about to have a new family in New York, he tried everything he could to disrupt the new family. Later, when he saw the plan of forcing me to go back to China became impossible, he dispersed all of my personal properties. I was put into a situation of homeless. In 2007, BRI tossed out all of my research products generated from about fifteen years of hard work, which consumed the public over millions of dollars.
Besides the persecution through my own deceived family members, I also suffered from the persecution from deceived oversea Chinese public. In 2004, in New York China Town, I was arrested by police after the police was misinformed by some Chinese people there who resented Falun Dafa practitioners due to their believing in the hate propaganda from the CCP. I was simply standing in front of a Chinese medicine store on the sidewalk of a street, watching peaceful parade of Falun Dafa practitioners at the time of my arrest. Later, I was again arrested in midtown Manhattan, where practitioners were holding an anti-torture exhibit to educate the public about what is happening in China. This was due to the owner of the store where our booth was located in front of was deceived by the hate propaganda and then misinformed the police. In 2007, my community work in Flushing was harassed and later forced into a stop by the pro-communist managers of the Flushing Mall. After many efforts of setting up a community center in the Flushing Mall, I just started my work to serve the public when the managers of the Mall used all efforts to make my staying there impossible, after they learned that I am a Falun Dafa practitioner.
In a summary, as a successful scientist in the frontier research field of life science, simply because I made the choice to embark on a spiritual practice of Truth-Compassion-Tolerance, my family was broken, my son taken away, my personal properties confiscated, my financial resource locked away and wasted, my job terminated and my research career destroyed. Jiang Zemin, the evil leader that initiated the persecution of Falun Dafa, made such an order to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners in China: “Damage their reputation, make them financially bankrupt and destroy them physically”. As an American Citizen, living in America, my reputation has been damaged, I have been made financially bankrupt, and if I was not strong enough, the stress generated by all these incidents would have been sufficient to destroy me physically.
Thanks to the kind-hearted fellow practitioners and many kind-hearted American friends in New York, I survived through the process and now have a new family. However, I know that if the lies from the Chinese Communist Party is not stopped here in America, many more people will be subjected to the poison , many more families could be broken and many more innocent Falun Dafa practitioners would be subjected to persecution, even here in American.
Information for the Local Police Department Regarding What Happened in Front of the Flushing Library Between May 17 and May 19
On May 17, a small gathering took place in front of the Flushing Library located on the corner of Main Street and Kissena Blvd. The Organizer of this gathering is the Global Service Center for Quitting the Chinese Communist Party. The gathering started at 12:00 p.m. and ended at 3:00 p.m. The goal of the gathering was to openly support the thirty-six million Chinese people who have quitted the Chinese Communist Party through making a statement on the Epoch Times (www.epochtimes.com). Similar gatherings at much larger scale have been held in the past several years all over the world in order to awake Chinese people outside of China to learn about the true evil nature of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) so that they can also choose to quit the CCP. The event was approved by the Queens Police Department and carried out peacefully with total respect of regulations and rules set forth by the police department. Most of the participants of the gatherings are Falun Dafa practitioners. Besides practitioners, there were leaders and supporters of different Chinese Organizations or Parties which are working for promoting freedom, democracy and human rights. Prior to the gatherings, practitioners kindly handing out colorful ballons and various flyers, brochures, newspapers and DVD discs that contain information of how the Chinese Communist Party persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners. The gathering started by the sad voice of a female Falun Dafa practitioner who is the hostess of a program of the New Tang Dynasty Television. She expressed her sorrow on the death of so many children and innocent people during the recent Sichuan Earth Quake, and pointed out the cause of so much death is due to the corruption and deception of the Chinese Communist Party, who first hide information about the predicted earth quake for the sake of faking a peaceful society for the upcoming Olympics, and later refused timely international rescue efforts in order to cover up its own wrong doings. While she was speaking, a large crowd of people started to gather across the street from the Flushing Library and a small cluster of people formed a core to curse and make dirty hand signs. The second speaker is the leader of a Chinese Democratic Party, who spoke up his disappointment towards those across the street and asked them to wake up, instead of being the blind followers of the Chinese Communist Party. He said that he gained insight from his recent dreams that the Sichuan Earth Quake is not the end but the beginning of even worse disasters and that the CCP’s wrong doings are the fundamental cause of the large amount of death from the earth quake. His words were constantly interrupted by the small cluster of people across the street, who became more vicious in their behaviors. During his speech, a glass bottle was tossed across the street with driving cars, and upon dropping on the street, smashed into many pieces of sharp broken glasses. Then someone was tossing oranges and water bottles, which were handed to them by someone who appeared to be one of the organizers of that cluster of people. Among them are young ladies, a young father with a young girl of about seven. Later it was revealed that they were controlled by someone who was hiding behind the library using a cell phone to order this cluster what to call out and what to do. Soon they were holding little red flags and unfolded a large red flag which represents the Chinese Communist Party, also called the bloody flag named by those who are aware of the killing history of CCP. The third speaker was a doctor who came to speak the fact that China became the second largest donor for organ transplant since 2000, while prior to that China was not even within the first one hundred nations for organ transplant. This doctor pointed out that organ transplant is so difficult due to the lack of source of consented organ donors and the fact that organs need to be matched for compatibility and it is extremely hard to find a matched donor under normal situation. He pointed out that the only way for China to provide organ for any person within a short two to four week period, is to take organ from a large pool of people who are waiting to be “used” as a live donor. Most of the people in the pool are prisoners of conscience and have been deprived their fundamental rights. The large increase of the availability of donor organs coincide with the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners in China and the fact that so many practitioners “disappeared” after their arrest, indicating that the CCP is murdering healthy Falun Dafa practitioners for their organs and making large profits. The entire speech was again constantly interrupted by loud and vicious verbal attacks. The Chief Editor of the English version of the Epoch Times came to give a short speech and her voice was almost totally covered by the loud curse and yelling from across the street. The speaker had to stop and commented kindly on how such a young girl is being taught to behave so poorly at the public and question the father why not to teach the girl to act right. The next speaker, Ms. Wang Wenyi, who is known to call out “Stop Persecution Of Falun Dafa” when the Chinese President Wu Jingtao was meeting President Bush in front of the White House. She again stressed the fact of how Falun Dafa practitioners have been brutally persecuted and the cruelty of taking practitioners’ organs for transplantation. She used her kind voice to wake up the conscience of the audience. Another speaker who works for the World Organization of Investigation of the Persecution of Falun Gong spoke on the topic of how this organization aims to take all of those who directly or indirectly participated in the persecution of Falun Dafa to justice and warned those across the street not to help the evil but quickly take the opportunity to quit the evil CCP. Several other speakers followed, all spoke with kindness and encouraged those who still blindly follow the CCP and even work for CCP to wake up and quit the CCP. One speaker spoke directly to those who were cursing across the street, “I want to thank you, because it is you who have shown me the real significance of the efforts of Falun Dafa practitioners in clarifying the truth of the persecution of Falun Dafa and now motivate me to take the role in ending the evil CCP”. At 3:00 p.m., the gathering peacefully ended. Falun Dafa practitioners did not respond to the verbal abuses and almost violent actions from across the street and simply and kindly clarified the truth to the public, with a compassionate heart to save those who are being deceived.
On the morning of May 18, Sunday, a large crowd of people suddenly appeared in front of the Flushing Library and surrounded a small group of elderly Chinese Falun Dafa practitioners, who were there at a booth approved by the local police department. The booth has been there for the past over three years and has been playing a key role in delivering true information about the persecution of Falun Dafa, as well as the set of articles called the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, which was first published on the Chinese News paper, called Dajiyuan Times. The nine articles systematically revealed for the first time the true history and nature of the Chinese Communist Party and pointed out why the CCP persecute Falun Dafa. Thanks to the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, near thirty-six million Chinese quitted the CCP. The CCP is extremely afraid of the Nine Commentaries. It is clear now what happened on May 17 was an organized event, and the organizer in fact is Zhou Yongkang (male), who is the CCP Secretary of the CCP Political and Judicial Committee. Zhou has recently directly orchestrated the vicious oversea incidences that aimed to disrupt the oversea gatherings supporting the Chinese public in quitting the CCP as well as the gatherings of the Human Rights Torch Relay. Taking advantage of the oversea spy network, working through Oversea Chinese Organizations and Student Organizations controlled by the CCP, Zhou attempted to stir up hate and use money to buy local ruffians and hooligans to make social turmoil to attack oversea Chinese who participate in the gatherings that support the Chinese public who quit the CCP (http://big5.minghui.org/mh/articles/2008/5/21/178908.html).
On May 18, the same group of people, in an organized format, came to attack a group of elderly Falun Dafa practitioners who were simply and kindly offering the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party to those who were passing in front of the library. Later police came to disperse the crowd.
On May 19, near one hundred people from the same group went to attack the practitioners who were standing at the Nine Commentary Booth in front of the library. This time, Flushing practitioner Ms. Judy Chen was immediately attached by a middle-aged lady, who slapped Judy’s face and scratched Judy’s mouth. Since Judy was holding a camera to take pictures of those who were harassing elderly practitioners, the middle-aged woman grabbed her camera and smashed it onto the floor. Several people also surrounded and attached an elderly practitioner Ms. Peilan Zhang and used extremely dirty words to label her and attack her, after another practitioner commented on her being persecuted as a Falun Dafa practitioner in China, despite her many years of working for the Communist Party. She was labeled as “Traitor”.
To stop what has been happening in front of the Flushing Library, we here present these detailed information to you to help you understand what has been going on. We need your immediate attention on this matter to assure the safety of the Falun Dafa practitioners who work at the Nine Commentary Booth in front of the Flushing Library. We believe that the group of people who has been committing verbal abuse and violent actions towards kind-hearted and peaceful Falun Dafa practitioners are controlled by the Chinese Communist Party and are committing a crime on the land of America. This aims to prevent the world to know what is truly happening in China and attempt to support the evil doings in China. Kind-hearted American police shall stand up to help the persecuted Falun Dafa practitioners to clarify the truth to the deceived Chinese here in Flushing. This in term will make Flushing a much safer and harmonious neighborhood for all who are living here.
Case Reports of Flushing Hate Crimes
Case 1
On the morning of May 18, Sunday, I went to the City Bank to get some cash. Soon after I left home, I noted several places along the Main Street (primarily between Sanford Ave and Roosevelt Ave) had someone there with a fund raising box for Sichuan Earthquake relieve. When I was passing the Old Navy, I saw a group of people, one of which was giving out fliers. I accepted one and took a look, before I recognized that the group of people belongs to the Shanghai Hometown Association (I do not remember the exact name of the organization). They also posted at the side of the wall of the Old Navy a group of reports about the Sichuan earthquake. After I came out from the bank, I saw a group of people was surrounding a woman in red and listening to her speaking. I was curious about it and decided to stop to listen for a little while. I heard her saying, “…they did yesterday, drumming and finding joy in others’ misery…”, while pointing her fingers towards the direction of the Flushing Library. She went on, basically claiming that they were there truly doing fund raising while those who were in front of the library the day before were simply taking joy from others’ misery. I recognized that she was referring to the Quitting the CCP Rally the day before (on May 17), during which short arrays of resounding drumming were applied after each speech. I participated in the Rally. So I went to tell her, “If you want to help with earth quake relief, then do it well, but do not lie to others (about our rally). The drumming yesterday was not for any joy or celebration , but for encouragement (to those who has quit the CCP). The drumming also has the meaning of subduing and eliminating the evil. Then a young fellow (who I noted in the following days to be wondering about near our Quit CCP Booth) raised his camera and was about to take a photo of me. I asked him, “Are you a reporter? Where are you from?” He said that he is a reporter of the World Daily ( I remember him clearly even now). I asked, “Was World Daily bribed by the CCP? Why do you want to take photo here? The World Daily belongs to Taiwanese, but has been bribed by the CCP and has been used to deceive people and report untrue news.” The woman in red then said, “Do not say such words. I am from Taiwan also.” I said, “It does not matter where you are from. Some Taiwanese also have been deceived by the CCP. What you just said here was confusing people and making up lies. If you wish to help with the earthquake relief, you should just do so. Why didn’t you put efforts into the earthquake relief, but instead spreading lies here? I think you are truly playing politics and interfering with the earthquake relief.” She was speaking with a bad attitude and viciousness. I spoke calmly for a while. At the beginning, those surrounding us were listening quietly. However, soon there were several people came to surround us and started to curse, such as “You are shameless”. I felt that those who were cursing at me are not regular people, since regular people wants to hear the truth. The cursing interrupted my words. Since I had to go to work in the afternoon, I left there. Some even chased me while I was walking away, continued to curse.
I continued to walk forward. When I got to the library, Ms. Wan Zhen hurried towards me, and asked me to call the police. I was shocked at the scene: what a large crowd surrounding the little desk of our booth! Those people’s face looked so strange, not only vicious looking, but also full of hate. Their appearance is so twisted. I have been here in Flushing for four years and have never seen these people before. I do not know where they are from. I do not have the phone number for the police department. So I called 911. Soon police arrived. Some police did not know the meaning of our Quit CCP Booth. So I briefly explained to these police. Police then started to order those people to leave us, by saying, “Go, Go”. However, they did not listen, but instead to gather even more densely, and refuse to leave, as if they could not understand the simple word “Go” from the police, and also had no fear towards the police nor the willingness to listen to the police. This made me feel very surprised. I can tell that these Chinese people are from a very low social class in China. Most of them has no education at all and must have came here through illegal ways such as smuggling. If they were in China, they must be very afraid of the local police and would totally obey the order of the police. I started to wonder what made them so bold here. Is it simply because they are on the land of America? Is it because the police treated them too nice to make them afraid? Or, is it because they are backed up by someone powerful? Is it because they have been assured that what they did would not affect their self interest, such as their illegal identity as well as their financial interests? Where did they receive such assurance to make they so bold?
Regardless of the presence of the police, these people kept on doing the same thing as they were doing prior to the arrival of the police: either staring at me viciously (since I was the only one then to stand next to the little desk, I felt as if all of them were staring at me viciously), or cursing at me viciously. Here what I can recollect are these cursing words, such as “Traitor”, “Shameless”, “No Conscience”, or “Go Away”. In fact, what they cursed were much more vicious and unbearable then these words. Only when one was right there, one can understand the nature of the viciousness, the misunderstanding and the hate from deep down in their hearts. What I felt then was: these people are not regular people. Most of them do not know the truth. What they emit through their words and behavior made me feel that they are not even normal human beings. To me, for normal human beings, even between two enemies, they would not have the facial expression and the behavior of these people. So, at the start, I was thinking to speak to them, but later I realized that if I would speak any words, they would have the excuse to be even more vicious. This would bring the police additional pressure. So I decided to be totally silent and simply stood there to do Send Forth Righteous Thoughts ( a practice of Falun Dafa practitioners, note by the translator) to eliminate all bad elements do that more sentient beings can be saved. I felt that this was the best thing I could do then to assist the police.
There was a huge crowd surrounding us. Later Mr. Xiao Jing and Ms. Judy Chen arrived. After a little while, police requested us to remove the little desk of our booth and stop what we were doing that day. When we removed our truth-clarification materials and placed them onto our car, a man who had been cursing at us viciously, together with several other men, followed us, and again surrounded me and another young girl, staring at us while cursing at us with the filthiest language which I shall not repeat here, since they were too filthy and also those who grew up in China would understand how terrible those words are. We were all quietly standing there, doing Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts. Later our car drove away and we also left.
When the police removed our desk, and when we were removing our truth-clarification materials into the car, these people were all yelling with joy. I was feeling very sad. I felt that the righteousness was not supported while the evil took the upper position. However, this is in America! Furthermore, the evil behind these people is the Bloody Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Since I was born and raised in China, I know clearly that these people are directly organized and controlled by the CCP. I am so clear about this. I can make this conclusion without any additional evidence or analyses. Anyone who was raised in China has the past experience to see this clearly, just like knowing the candy is sweet while the vinegar is sour. We do not need analyses to understand such facts.
This is like what the students learn the Axiom, in Math and Physics. When we were in School, we all know that while a “law”, or “equation”, or “reasoning” requires validation, an Axiom does not, since an Axiom is the foundation for the validation of any theories. The evilness of the Communist Party is an Axiom and does not need validation anymore. If any validation is required, the experience of people all over the world has already validated this for too many times.
From the legal perspective, evidence is required for a judgment to be made. I want to say, that the tens of thousands of Falun Dafa practitioners currently still being tortured in China, that the 100 million Falun Dafa practitioners from all over the world including those here in the West, have been subjected to the vicious persecution inside China and by the exported persecution outside of China, are all facts. These facts can be viewed on the Clearwisdom website, on the website of the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong, and in the thick piles of reports prepared by two Canadian attorneys on Murdering Falun Dafa Practitioners for Their Organs. These facts are sufficient to sentence those who are more vicious than murders to death! Falun Dafa practitioners’ efforts in clarifying the truth, in encouraging Chinese people to read the Nine Commentaries on the Chinese Communist Party, and in encouraging people to quit the CCP are not for themselves. They are for the salvation of all Chinese people in China and for the safety of the people all over the world! The persecution towards Chinese people inside China is apparent while the persecution of people outside of China is through various hidden means. For example, they use money to bribe people outside of China, use the so-called “economical exchange” and the involved material interest to pressure government officials in the West, in an attempt to silence these officials as well as the their affiliated functional government institutions and departments thus taking no roles (in helping those persecuted people). The ultimate outcome is to hurt people outside of China, isn’t it! I hope American public can stand up for what is right, from this recent incidence in Flushing. This in fact is directly connected to the interest of American public. I call for immediate legal actions to punish the evil beings controlled by the CCP. In dealing with such evil beings, the best way is to permanent deportation, or subject them to severe fines such that they will be forced to work hard to pay for the fines, instead of having the free time to harm good people. In doing so, you are supporting the righteousness and are protecting the long-term interest of America and people here in America.
I also call the legal institutions here in America not to waste too much time on collecting evidences. There are sufficient evidences already. The key issue is how to understand the existing facts and how to pay sufficient attention to the existing facts. Do you recognize that (these people controlled by the CCP) are the most dangerous factors that, (if let free), can harm your safety and interest? Please immediately pay special attention to this incidence, and use this incidence as the starting point to take immediate actions. The Flushing Incidence is not an isolated one that has already ended. The CCP has already started similar incidences in Brooklyn and Manhattan Chinatown, and the behaviors are even more vicious. In fact, the network of spies and mobs here in America, sent and prepared by the CCP, were not made for the purpose of persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners here. They were sent here even before the first introduction of Falun Dafa in China, isn’t it? Think about it. Why did the CCP spent so much efforts here in America? Who is it trying to harm? If you truly understand the ulterior motives of the CCP here in America, you will have no choice but to take immediately actions! Otherwise, it is being totally irresponsible to your own life and your properties!
I here call the police to use all these pro-communist people as your starting point, use every Chinese store here in Flushing and in Manhattan Chinatown (some owners are directly supported by the CCP) as your starting point, to totally eliminate all of the spies and mobs of the CCP.
The Flushing Incidence has not ended. In the following several days, during our rally and parade, I had further experience which I can also provide details for you if you need. For saving your time, here I have only described my one day of experience of being attacked here in Flushing, after the May 17 Quitting the CCP Rally.
Thank you for your attention,
Wu Hua
June 18, 2008
Case 2
I am a Falun Dafa practitioner. My name is Wang Wei. I came to Flushing on June 12, 2008. In order to help the general public of Flushing to understand how the CCP has used the Sichuan Earth Quake to stir up hate towards Falun Dafa, among those who do not know the truth about Falun Dafa, I have been distributing the Dajiyuan Newspaper on the street of Flushing since I arrived here. At about 8:30 a.m., on June 15 (Sunday), I was standing at the sidewalk next to the Huangjin Market to distribute the Dajiyuan Newspaper. A woman in her forties, wearing a black jacket and had her curly hair down over her shoulder picked up the copy of the newspaper I handed to her, and immediately torn it into half, then tossed the newspaper into the garbage. I immediately walked to her and asked her, “Why did you torn my newspaper. If you did not want to read it, then give it back to me.” She started to curse loudly and the words she used was unspeakable. I walked to her, and said, “If you have courage to torn the newspaper, then you shall also have the courage to stand here. I will call 911 and get the police.” As soon as she heard this, she sped up her steps. Suddenly, she waved her arms with strength, and hit me at my two arms and my front chest. I lost the balance and fell onto the ground. I grabbed the newspapers, and chased her to her front and blocked her path. I said, “Do not move, I will call the police.” She pushed me to the side and ran away. I did not chase her further. I returned to the Huangjin Market and continued to distribute the newspaper. I felt pain under my knee, and noted that the skin there were red and inflamed, with traces of blood. Under the help from fellow practitioners, I went with another practitioner to the 109 police precinct. A black lady met with us. I described the entire process to her. However, she refused to make a report on this case. We requested her multiple times, but she still refused us, claiming that we needed to find the police on the street to write up the report. So we returned to the street of Flushing, where we met a police officer. We described to him what happened. After he took a look at my wounded leg, he was very surprised and asked us the time of the incidence. I said that it happened at around 8:30 a.m.. He took a look at the time and said, “It is now already 10:40 a.m., and it is too late to write a report.” We did not understand what he meant to be too late. Later, we also left. In the afternoon, a male practitioner came to ask me what had happened. Then we found a police officer, who told us to call 911. Police came immediately and took a report, after we called 911. Then I was taken back to the 109 Precinct where three police officers all made a report. One police officers asked me, “Why did you come to Flushing?” I took the opportunity to clarify the truth about Falun Dafa to this police officer. My English is not so good, but I still tried to speak to him slowly. Finally, they said, “We are aware of the parade yesterday and of the CCP making trouble. Falun Dafa is good.”
After they took the report, they asked me whether I needed to see a doctor for some medication to prevent infection. I said that my husband is a doctor and he can help me. Then I left the Police Department.
Described by Ms. Wang Wei on June 18, 2008
Case 3
On May 17, my son Alan Seid (thirteen years old) happened to walk by the Queens Library at Flushing. A group of Falun Dafa practitioners were having a rally. He witnessed a large crowd were standing nearby to verbally abuse these Falun Dafa practitioners, with very filthy words. These people not only curse these practitioners, but also curse our most respected Teacher. Alan’s heart was greatly hurt, since he is a practitioner of Falun Dafa and he knows how wonderful Falun Dafa is.
Written by the mother of Alan Seid, Ms. Bridget Lee
Case 4
I have witnessed and encountered the following incidences of hate crimes, verbal abuses and personal attacks:
1. On May 20, in the middle of the parade, pro-communist mobs raised a big banner, on which printed, “Eliminate Falun Gong”
2. On May 20, at the end of the parade of Falun Dafa practitioners, there were mothers carrying their children in the parade. I witnessed a vicious man tossed a large chunk of wood towards the parade and almost hit a baby carriage, in which there was a baby. Later, another vicious man tossed a bottle of paint towards the parade, and the bottle broke into pieces right under my feet.
3. On June 14, a man was cursing at me with the most dirty words that I cannot repeat here, near the entrance of the subway on Main Street. He recognized me as a Falun Dafa practitioner since I have been distributing Dajiyuan Times.
4. On June 15, a woman cursed at me, saying, “Go down hell, you Falun Gong.” Location: Cross section of Main Street and 41 Ave.
5. On June 16, someone who works for a store on Main Street said to me, “We want to kick Falun Gong out from here.”
6. Many Chinese people use Chinese to curse at me while I was standing next to a police officer, and then quickly ran away. Usually they cursed one sentence at me and then ran.
7. In Hong Kong Market, a woman who was selling plants told me that the man who led a group to curse at Falun Gong practitioners during the rally is a CCP member and only does things for money. So he must have been paid to do so. Another man told me that the man exposed by the Dajiyuan Times is a thug. His picture was shown on June 16 Dajiyuan Times. I heard that he has been arrested. He is a store owner on Main Street.
8. Another man came to Flushing through the little express bus that runs between Manhattan Chinatown and Flushing. I saw him intentionally smashed himself into female Falun Dafa practitioners and then yelled, “Do not block my path.”
Written by Ms. Yu Wenru
Case 5
My name is Mingyie Zen. I met a woman who lives in a house south to the bus station on Kissena Blvd. I tried to explain to her what happened to Falun Dafa practitioners and the unfair treatment they have been subjected to. The woman started to curse at me, saying that she wish my children death. I felt terrible for a whole week. I worried about my kids’ safety ever since. My house is on Rose Ave.
Written by Ms. Mingyie Zen
Case 6
My name is Gao Baoyu. I am sixty-nine years old. I have been practicing Falun Gong for eleven years. I have been volunteering for the Dajiyuan Times. At about 3:00 p.m. on June 17, when I was distributing Dajiyuan Times on Main Street near the Huangjin Market, a middle-aged woman with curled hair suddenly approached me and yelled, “You go kill yourself!” After this, she carried the goods she bought and left.
In addition, there were a middle-aged man and a young man yelled at me, saying, “You are mentally abnormal!” when I was distributing Dajiyuan Times.
I felt hurt by the threats.
Written by Mr. Gao Baoyu, a practitioner from Los Anglos
Case 7
My name is Deng Yonghong. I am a Falun Dafa practitioner. I was distributing Dajiyuan Times on Main Street near the Huangjin Market, on May 15, 16 and 17, when I was pointed at by those walking by and cursed at, with such words as, “Go kill yourself”, “Overthrow Falun Gong” etc. Mr. Lu Xiao is my witness. I felt unsafe and my heart was very hurt.
Written by Ms. Deng Yonghong
Case 8
I am a Falun Dafa practitioner. My name is Li Hong. I am sixty-four years old. At the beginning of June (June 1 to June 5), I was distributing Dajiyuan Times near the Huangjin Market. A middle-aged man approached me and yelled, “Go kill yourself!” before I even responded to this, he already walked away. Later, he saw me every day and every time when he saw me, he said, “You are already dead. Why are you still here?” I did not show any reaction to him, but deep in my heart, I was feeling sad. I thought, “Why this man is so bad? Why he has so much hate towards Falun Dafa?”
Written by Mr. Li Hong
Case 9
At 2:00 p.m., on May 20, when Falun Gong practitioners were surrounded and attacked by hundred of CCP mobs, I came out from the barricade to go use the bathroom. I was surrounded and attacked by more than ten mobs, who cursed at me, “You shall be killed by car and your son too.” They surrounded me and followed me, cursing at me until I got to the Huangjin Market.
At 4:30 p.m., on May 23, I went to the Jinshan Market to buy food (with food stamps). When I got home, I found that my card was marked twice for $18.50. I returned to the Jinshan Market at 4:50p.m., and inquired about this. The manager returned me the money after my inquiry. When I was leaving, I went to speak to the young woman who was the cashier. I said, “Excuse me. I did not blame you. I consider it to be a mistake made by the machine. I practice Truth-Compassion-Tolerance. I honor the truth and am always ready to forgive others.” The young girl saw me sweating due to the trip and did not know what to say. As soon as I spoke, however, two nearby women yelled, “Kill her. Kill her. She is Falun Gong.”
At 1:00 p.m., on May 30, I went with Ms. Feng from the “Nine Commentaries” Booth to a store at the basement of Huangjin Market to buy some bums to eat. As soon as we sat down there, several female waitresses started to yell at us, “You all have a lot of money. Every day you are paid 100 dollars.” They also turned around and told the customers, “These people’s hearts are so black. When Sichuan earth quake killed so many people, they are still playing drums to celebrate.” We did not respond to their irrational accusations. After we finished the food, we noticed that there were two left-over paper napkins. Ms. Feng said that we should put them back. I said that we should leave them on the table since others may consider them dirty after being placed on the table. So Ms. Feng decided to take them with her. The several waitresses who had been staring at us now yelled loudly to other customers, “Come to look at them. They are so bad that they even try to steal napkins.”
Written by Ms. Li Xiurong
Case 10
My name is Yang Ruowei. I am seventy-one years old. I am from Australia.
At between 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m., on May 25, I was surrounded and attacked by a group of people at the subway entrance on Main Street, where I was distributing Dajiuan Times. They cursed at me, saying, “You old woman, get away from here.” Then they started to make a loud noise until police arrived. A police officer asked me to leave there. When I walked over the Main Street to the other side of the street, I was yelled and laughed at again. If I did not practice Truth-Compassion-Tolerance, it would be too hard for an elderly lady at my age to face such threat and attacks.
On the morning of May 26, I was walking on the side walk near the restaurant of Chao Fang. I was walking with several other Western male practitioners. We were attacked by a group of people again. Several young girls were carrying a paper box in their hands. They yelled at us, “Donate your money for earth quake relief”. When they saw us not giving them money, they immediately yelled out, “disturbing earthquake relief”. One young man was wearing the Bloody flag of communist party. This scene made me remember the horrific scene of the Great Cultural Revolution in Mainland China, when the CCP Youth League were beating and criticizing their teachers.
On June 3, I was standing at the corner of Main Street and 41 Ave. while distributing the Dajiyuan Times. There were four Chinese women who are in their forties. One of them turned to me and asked for a copy of the newspaper. When she got the newspaper, she immediately torn it and started to curse at me with hate. She was biting her teeth while tearing the newspaper into thin streaks, and spoke these hateful words, “May you be killed like this newspaper, and your body be broken into ten thousands of pieces and may you have no children or grandchildren.” She then tossed the broken newspapers into the garbage.
On June 3, when I was distributing Dajiyuan times near the restaurant Chao Fang, a woman in white shirt and white pants and has long hair quickly took a copy of the newspaper from my hands and started to spit onto the newspaper, while she was walking away. Then she tossed the newspaper into a garbage in. A male Falun Dafa practitioner went up to tell her, “What you are doing is illegal.” This woman quickly ran away. Three days later, at 3:00 p.m. on the afternoon of June 6, at the same location, the same woman appeared again, still in white shirt and same hair style, and did exactly what she did last time. I recognized her immediately. So I followed her and walked next to her. She was walking to my right side. For several times, she tried to smash herself into me, and said to me, “You old woman. What are you trying to do? Get Away!” I replied, “I will not let you go this time. I want to find someone to take a picture of you and find a police officer to take care of you.” When we walked in front of the building where the Global Service Center for Quitting the CCP is located, she suddenly tried to grab the back of my clothes in an attempt to make me fall into the ground. Since I am a Falun Dafa practitioner, and my body is very strong, so she could not drug me down to the ground. At that time, a fellow female practitioner was behind us and took a picture of what she did. She noticed this and started to jump at the female practitioner, grabbed the collar of her clothes, and madly dragged her backwards. I saw the neck of this practitioner was being suffocated by the clothes she grabbed. Her face turned white. I immediately stood between the two of them, blocked the vicious woman and then pushed away the female practitioner. Later I had to return to the site in front of Chao Fang restaurant, since the newspapers need to be distributed there.
(This case is connected with the case presented by Ms. Pearl Chen from Washington State. This woman was later arrested and jailed for one night; note by the translator)
At around 4:00 p.m. on June 15, a man in his fifties walked by me. He is a Western man. I was standing on the side walk of Main Street, under the sky bridge. He used his middle finger to tap onto my newspapers. I called out to him, “You are no good.”
At about 10:00 a.m., on June 18, a Western man in his thirties, with black hair and big eyes, with dark oval color skin, came to grab a newspaper from my hands and then smashed it onto the ground.
In the past several days, a young Chinese man in his twenties have been cursing at me, “Go kill yourself!” “Get Away!”
Written by Ms. Yang Ruowei
Case 11
On May 21, at 1:37 p.m., the Global Service Center of Quitting CCP was holding a gathering for truth-clarification. A fellow practitioner was distributing truth-clarification materials on the street. Two young men came, one in white T shirt, while the other has a pair of glasses and was wearing white sleeve-less shirt. The man with glasses raised the CCP flag to hit the truth-clarification materials in the practitioner’s hands, while cursing at her. When I saw this, I took pictures of the following scenes. Both of his hands pointed middle fingers as an intimidation hand signs towards the practitioner, and he said, “Go kill yourself”; he was also calling his “fellows” and said, “we need to watch this one”. When I was taking a photo of them, the other man used his hands to cover up his face.
The man wearing glasses is about 1.75 meter in height. He is about twenty-five years old.
The other man is about 1.78 to 1.80 meter in height. He is between 23 to 25 years old.
The pictures I took were shown on Dajiyuan Times, second page.
Written by Ms. Zhao Shuming
Case 12
I am eleven years old. I have greatly benefited from the practice of Falun Dafa. I have been in America for over one year. In the past several days, something has happened. The CCP has spread hate in the Chinese community. One day, at about 3:30 p.m., I was on my way home with a friend of mine. I was wearing a hat which printed the three Chinese characters, 真善忍 (Truth-Compassion-Tolerance). Some CCP saw this and then pointed at my hat, cursing and yelling. I did not pay any attention to them. I did not respond to them. Inside of my heart, I felt hurt. How could things like this happen on the land of America?
Written by Ms. Feng Jiayi
Case 13
I am a Falun Dafa practitioner. On May 31, I went to the corner of Roosevelt Ave. and Prince Street with a fellow practitioner aunty to distribute Dajiyuan Times. There we were attacked by some men who were cursing at us with bad hand gestures. I was standing there and replied, “I know our newspapers have been very well-received in the past several years and have not encountered things like what you are saying. You are irrational and misunderstanding us.” A couple of men then pointed at my face and started to curse words unspeakable. When I took out my camera, a man was even about to hit me. I said, “You are not supposed to curse at others with no reason.” Fortunately there was someone came to help me (that person is about forty years old). I managed to come out from danger. It was really terrible attack of character, so crazy and irrational. We continued to spread the newspapers there. The same man came again and again to curse at us like crazy. Later three other men also come to irrationally attack us and the newspapers.
Written by Ms. Chen Huiling
Case 14
The following incidences have occurred in front of the Huangjin Supermarket.
1. On May 30, I was attacked at least three times. Those people attacked any practitioner they saw, by surrounding the practitioner and curse at the practitioner, saying words like, “Go kill yourself”. The stuff from the Great Culture Revolution happened in China has been moved to the land of America. It was so scary. It was almost like this land of America has turned into part of the Communist China!
2. On the afternoon of May 31, Qiu Wei (the man recently trialed for felony assault by the Supreme Court in Brooklyn; notes by the translator) led some thugs to surround me and attack me. They said that they would kill me. The cursing words are so degenerated that is unspeakable. A lady saw this and said, “This is so wrong. Why do you curse like this?” Those thugs immediately attacked her, yelling, “It is none of your business!” I saw police in a distance, but when I called out to them, they did not hear me. So I had no choice but to call 911. As soon as the police came, those thugs immediately ran away.
3. On June 1, I was holding a poster and walking on the street. The CCP spies and mobs were standing in front of many stores on Main Street cursing at Falun Dafa practitioners. Those oversea Chinese people deceived by the Chinese TV Station who spread hate propaganda under the control of CCP started to curse at us like mad and the language used were shameless. Flushing suddenly turned into a land under the control of CCP. The language they used was full of threats.
This has been happening every day and I was no longer feeling safe to walk by myself.
4. On June 5-6, CCP mobs surrounded and attacked a fellow practitioner and cursed at the practitioner with unspeakable words. When I went into a restaurant, the owner refused to sell food to us. She also cursed at us for a long time.
5. On June 13-14, an old man next to the China Express used his hand gestures to show me that he would like to kill me. As soon as someone came to stir up something, the store owner and the accomplice immediately jumped at us and started to curse.
6. On June 16, at around 12:00 p.m., a store owner came to snatch our newspapers and cursed at us. Later I called in a reporter from Dajiyuan Times to record his evil doings. This man jumped forward and used his palm to hit the reporter Ms. Xiao Pan’s arms and the camera dropped onto the ground. He then jumped onto the camera and stepped onto it with force. I asked the fellow practitioner to call police while asked another practitioner to take a picture. The man jumped at the practitioner who was taking a picture. When I was preventing him from snatching the camera and stepping onto the camera, he gave me death threat. Police came to stop him. This man was on the ground. He was calling his accomplice across the street, a hairless old man, who is also a CCP spy. The old man came to lie about the situation to the police. I told the police that he is lying. He then took a picture of me and gave me threats, saying, “Soon you will all have trouble. Wait and see.” This old man also cursed words unspeakable.
I am a Falun Dafa practitioner from Los Anglos. My name is Zhang Xiuhua. I have felt terror after I arrived here in New York. Even at this time of age, the Chinese Communist Party is so vicious and has turned the land of Flushing into a land under the dictatorship of the Communist Party. Bad people cursing at and beating people in the broad day light are not punished by law. In a country supposed to have human rights, to allow such things happening, is the sadness of America and American people. What a shame it is, to allow CCP spies infiltrate into so many different places in America! They will bring disaster and shame to this land! I lost a sense of safety on this land. I felt terror surrounding me.
I call American government to immediately stop the CCP thugs and mobs to commit the brutal and shameless behaviors towards Falun Dafa practitioners. They beat practitioners and disregard the law. They spread hate the lies among the Chinese public and even among America public, to stir up hate. I call American government and the U.S Congress to take special measures to raise the issue of Flushing incidence to the level of anti-terrorism and to completely eradicate CCP spies and accomplices by deporting them out from America. This is the only way to rectify the situation and make America worthy of the honor of a nation with freedom, democracy and human rights.
I believe that Falun Dafa practitioners are all kind people and will bring goodness to any nation, since Falun Dafa is wonderful! I belive righteousness will ultimately claim victory over evil and at the end, all evil will be totally eliminated.
Written by Ms. Zhang Xiuhua
Case 15
On June 2, at about 2:00 p.m., I was distributing Dajiyuan Times in front of the Jinshan Supermarket. A middle-aged woman pointed her finger at me and cursed, “Go kill yourself.” I replied, “The one who curses die first.” She then ran away.
On June 8, I was again distributing newspapers in front of the Jinshan Supermarket. A middle-aged man in Tianjin accent, said to me, “Old lady, why don’t you do something else. The weather is so hot. Go home and rest. If I am your son, I would never allow you to come out.” I simply replied, “Thank you.” I know he is not truly care about me. He is one of those “persuaders” whose intention is to block us from clarifying the truth. I certainly will not be deceived. Later several more of those “persuaders” showed up to me.
On June 13, in front of the Jinchengfa Supermarket, there came a man claimed to be from Sichuan Province. He said, “You cannot overthrow the CCP.” I said, “The Heaven will eliminate the CCP. Nobody can stop it.” He then said, “You do not donate money”. I said, “Our donation does not need to report to you.” He said, “You Falun Gong practitioners said that the earth quake is a form of retribution and those who died were due to their karma.” I said, “That person must be a fake Falun Gong practitioner.” He said, “but that person was wearing a yellow T shirt which stated Falun Dafa is good.” I said, “That person must be faking a practitioner.” He said that it is possible.
Later I met someone who cursed at me, “You are all crazy and have mental problems”.
Someone cursed at me, “You are bringing shame to China. You are so shameless.”
On the noon of June 10, an elderly woman came to me and I said to her, “Please read Dajiyuan Times.” She replied, “You keep a distance from me and do not touch me.” I was saddened.
Written by Ms. Ying Shuqing
Case 16
I am a Falun Dafa practitioner. On the morning of June 3, 2008, I was distributing Dajiyuan Times. A couple about fifty years old came to me and told me that they very much like Dajiyuan Times, since the contents are very true. They also told me that they have also suffered from the persecution by the CCP. Just then, a group of people came to surround me and that couple and without any reasons, started to curse at us and threat us. They cursed, “Traitors” “Blocking earthquake relief” “No human heart” “Go kill yourself”. I started to cry. I do not understand why I feel so much Communist China terror on the land of America. My father, just because of his practicing Falun Dafa in China, our home was ransacked, he was followed and threatened, and he was thus under great mental stress. He became unable to eat and sleep and finally passed away on September 26, 2001, in a hospital.
On the morning of June 5, I was distributing the Dajiyuan Times at the corner of Kissena Blvd. and Sanford Street. A woman picked up a newspaper from me. Suddenly, a middle-aged man yelled, “Do not take the newspaper from her. Her husband is a Rapist!” I was shocked. My heart felt so much pain. I felt my heat was as if bleeding.
On the morning of June 7, I was standing in front of the Post Office to distribute Dajiyuan Times. Then two old women in their fifties came to me and pointed their fingers at me, saying, “Why don’t you go to become a prostitute. That is even better than your coming here to distribute the newspapers!”
I felt so alone. I have been here in Flushing for fifteen days to help the distribution of the newspapers. Every day I have been cursed at by some many people I do not even know. They used vicious looks to stare at me. Is this still the land of America, with freedom and democracy? Do we have freedom of speech?
Written by Ms. Yu Liping, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Toronto
Case 17
Below is what I have witnessed and experienced.
Every day, near the China Bank, I was holding the poster of the Service Center for Quitting the CCP, and different people came to curse at me, “Eliminate you first!” “How much money are you making?” when I replied, “I am a volunteer and take not a penny.” That man cursed, “Traitor”. I was cursed at every day. Some cursed, “You are a spy of America.”
Written by Ms. Xiong Fengying
Case 18
My name is Xiaolan (Linda) Jin. I am forty-five years old. I came to America from Main Land China in 1992. In 2002, I became American Citizen.
I started to practice Falun Dafa in 1997, in the city of Los Anglos. Since the CCP started to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners in 1999, I have learned a large amount of cases of the brutal persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners in China. Especially in 2002, my college classmate, Mr. Xiangchun Li (Dr. Charles Li) was unlawfully jailed for three years when he went back to China to visit his family. This case made me see how reckless the CCP’s persecution towards Falun Dafa practitioners is: it even persecutes an American citizen. In the nine years of the CCP’s persecution of Falun Dafa, I have been trying to inform every person I meet in America the atrocity of human rights violation in China. I also have written to President Bush and the U.S. Congressmen. I hope everyone can come together to stop this tragedy of human rights violation, since I believe that this is our joint responsibilities!
I have been feeling fortunate to be living on the land of America, far from the bloody terror of the Chinese Communist Party. Such a feeling, unfortunately, stopped on the first day when I arrived in Flushing.
At 8:30 a.m., on May 31, I was wearing a yellow T shirt which printed the Chinese characters of 真善忍 of Falun Dafa, and came to the corner of Roosevelt Ave, and Prince Street, to distribute the Dajiyuan Times to those who were walking by. This is my first day in Flushing. When I saw so many Chinese people here, I was feeling so happy. When I was about to hand out my first newspaper to a walking by Chinese, a Chinese man about forty years old suddenly jumped in front of me and pointed at my nose at a very close distance, yelling at me viciously, “Do not distribute this newspaper! You are bringing shame to Chinese people!” I was shocked. Before I even had the time to respond, about seven to eight men (about thirty to fifty years old, in clothes of workers), all came to surround me. I was wrapped in the middle. They were in such a close distance to me. They appeared to know each other. They started to use the most unspeakable filthy languages to attack me, with hate. Some of them even used their middle finger sign to intimidate me. I was totally frozen by this sudden attack of hate. Tears started to come out from my eyes. I was feeling nervous, sad and helpless. Then, my friend Ms. Chen Huiling pushed into the circle and come to my side. She took out her camera and was ready to take a picture of those who were surrounding me. At this time, several mobs immediately next to me became even more vicious. Their fingers almost reached the glasses that Ms. Chen Huiling was wearing. They yelled, “Dare you take a picture of us! We will break your camera.” Then I saw a four-door black car stopped next to this group of people. The person driving the car is a man about sixty years old. He called out to these people, “Only use your mouth, do not use your fists.” Then he drove away. In great shock, I did not understand who these people are, and who this man in the black car is. Why do they all know each other? Why did they dare to do this on the land of America? Why are they not afraid of the law? We were attacked for about ten minutes and finally we managed to get away.
At about 10:00 a.m., I continued to distribute the newspapers in front of the China Trust at the corner of Main Street and Maple Avenue. Almost 50% of those who passed by were looking at me with hate, and also cursed at me, “Traitor!” “Go kill yourself”. I was amazed by this, since I never met them and did nothing bad to them. Is it simply because I am wearing the yellow T shirt of Falun Dafa? Why so many people have hate in their hate? Where did the hate come from? Since many people rejected the newspapers, I had to continue to stand there to finish distributing the rest of the newspapers.
At about 5:30 p.m. on May 31, I was distributing the newspapers at the gate of the Xinjunshan Supermarket. I noticed that a group of people were attacking a practitioner near me, to the east side. There were about thirty people there cursing at a Chinese woman wearing a yellow T-shirt. Out of my great concern, I called out, “This is a civilized place. Please speak with civility.” Just by speaking up this word, a man who was raising his fist and yelling, “Overthrow Falun Gong”, now turned around and started to target me. He is a Chinese man a little higher than 5 feet. He started to yell at me and cursed at me loudly, using unspeakable words. Within two minutes, I was already surrounded by over twenty people. Among these people were men and women. A woman with long hair started to lead the group to call out slogans, “Overthrow Falun Gong!” I was feeling very uneasy facing such craziness and hate. I was considering how I would get out. They cursed for ten minutes. A man in white shirt, in his thirties, stretched out him arms to block those people and made a passage for me to get out. I rapidly got out and left.
After I got out, my heart was not recovered from the shock, before I saw two Chinese men were intimidating two Western people, a man and a woman, both in their forties and wearing yellow T-shirt like mine. They were standing by the side of a Chinese restaurant and simply taking a rest. These two Chinese men walked towards them while yelling and cursing at them recklessly. They said, “You two also practice Falun Gong? You are not allowed to stand up.” These two practitioners could not understand what they were speaking about, and simply kept silence. These two Chinese men became more vicious. They started to curse at these two practitioner, “Over throw Falun Gong” “Falun Gong is cult” They even said to these two practitioners, “Come on, follow up to call out, Falun Gong is cult, Long live CCP.”
When I saw this, I was shocked. I wish I had a camera in my hands to film this vicious attack of human rights. Furthermore, such a drama of terror of CCP is being played out on the land of America! If I had taped this scene, I would be determined to show this to President Bush, the American National Security Bureau and the Congress, as well as to anyone who treasure democracy and human rights. I want to let American people see how these CCP mobs are letting out their craziness and hate on the land of America and how they are recklessly damaging the human rights and human dignity of American Citizens. To my opinion, only when these mobs are deported from the land of America, can we sustain the seriousness and dignity of American law. Only this way, can we calm down and effectively prevent further incidences of violent terror of CCP to occur in other places. (Note, I can recognize the two Western practitioners)
Above is only the experience of my first day in Flushing. I heard even more from my friends. The hate crimes like what I have described above are happening everyday here in Flushing, on the Main Street.
Written by Ms. Xiaolan (Linda) Jin
Case 19
This incidence happened at 4:30 p.m. on June 15, 2008, at the corner of Main Street and 41 Ave, in Flushing.
I was handing out the Epoch Times Newspapers. A lady took the newspaper and torn it, before she tossed the newspaper into a nearby garbage bin. I walked towards her and asked her, “Why did you throw away the newspaper? If you do not want it, you can give it back to me.” She said, “Falun Dafa is bad” and repeated this curse many times. I said to her, “If you tear up the newspaper, I will call the police. Stop here until police comes.” She had swung her arms violently and hit me in both arms and chest very hard. I fell onto my knees, which became injured. I lost my balance. I tried to pick up the newspapers and told her to wait until the police arrived. She pushed me away and ran off.
My left knee was injured and was bleeding afterwards. It was hard to walk and became very swollen and red.
Written by Ms. Wei Wang
Case 20
I am a female Falun Dafa practitioner. I am sixty-three years old.
At about 2:30 p.m., on June 17, I was distributing newspapers at one of the Service Center for Quitting CCP, on Main Street. A middle-aged woman walked by me and picked up a copy of the newspaper. After she walked by, she suddenly turned around and snatched two more copies from my hands. Then she tossed all three copies of the newspapers into the nearby garbage bin. I was shocked by her behavior. This is almost like the conduct of a robber. I told her that her conduct is illegal. I asked her not to do it, since the printing of these newspapers are supported by our hard-earned money. In addition, snatching the newspapers is a very bad conduct.
Written by Ms. Li Shying
Case 21
My name is Lin Huiling. I live at the Manhattan Chinatown. I practice Falun Gong.
At 3:30 p.m., on June 16, I was passing by Granville Hill Street and Catherine Street, and saw a man hanging a poster on him which wrote, “Falun Gong is cult” “Traitor”, and was also distributing hate propaganda flyers. I went to than man and said to him, “What you are distributing is not true, but is stirring up hate. To distribute such flyers is against the law in America.” That man said, “America is free and one can do whatever one wishes”. I asked him who has asked him to do this. He said a friend of his asked him to do so. I asked him why his friend tries to defame Falun Gong. He said that because Falun Gong hurt someone, making people refuse to take medicine when they are sick, and that person is his friend’s mother, who died because of this. I asked him whether the friend he is referring to is Qiu Wei (male, who has been recently trialed for felony assault in Brooklyn; notes by the translator). That man nodded his head, but did not say a word. I said to him, “I know Qiu Wei. His mother died a long time ago, over twenty years ago. He is lying. Please do not help him to do bad things, since this will do you harm. Let me tell you: Falun Gong is good, since Falun Gong teaches one to be a good person. Falun Gong is Qi Gong.” Those near us heard the word Falun Gong. They immediately came as a group to surround me and started to curse at me. The words they used were all extremely filthy and also making humiliating hand gestures. They appeared to be very vicious. A lady saw this and could not tolerate this, and urged me to call 911. Before I even responded, she took my phone from my hands and dialed 911. Ten minutes later, a police car arrived. Three police officers came out from the car. They spoke Cantonese. Police officers first asked me whether I was injured. I replied, “No”. Then they asked me to leave and also dispersed those surrounding me. However, the man who was distributing hate propaganda flyers was still left there and allowed to continue to distribute the flyers. I was feeling very sad and could not understand why the police officers did not ask his to leave.
At 5:35 p.m. on June 19, I was passing by the same location. This time I saw Qiu Wei and two other men there. The three of them were distributing hate propaganda flyers made up by Qiu Wei. As soon as they saw me, they started to curse loudly, “You dead woman. Are you being a prostitute?” etc, all of the words were most filthy. Qiu Wei also threatened me that if I did not leave, he would call the police since I was interfering him distributing the flyers. I used a camcorder to file them. Those surrounding me started to point their fingers at me and cursed at me, “Traitor!” “If you practice Falun Gong, you go kill yourself!” “Falun Gong is cult, so police will not pay attention to me”, etc. I thought, if Qiu Wei continue to distribute hate propaganda there, what should I do?
I remember one evening on July 4, 2001, Qiu Wei called my home twice. One call was made at 8:00 p.m., when I was not home and my husband picked up the phone. I went to Philadelphia that day for a parade and did not return until late. As soon as I got home, my husband told me immediately that Qiu Wei called me, stating that is I continue to block his business, he would kill me. My husband asked me what this is all about. I said that I did not know why and that Qiu Wei might be a crazy man. Really, I did not know what this was all about. At 2:00 a.m., Qiu Wei called me again. I picked up the phone this time. He recognized me and immediately cursed at me, “You dead woman. Do not interfere with what I want to do. If you do, then I will ask my brother to kill you”. As soon as he finished this sentence, he hung up the phone. At that time, I really could not figure out what he was talking about. Later I read an article he wrote published on Newspaper. The entire article was made up of lies that defame Falun Gong, and to stir up hate towards Falun Gong. Qiu Wei knows that I am a Falun Gong practitioner and he might be afraid of my exposing his defamatory article. This could be the reason he called me to give me death threat.
I did go to report him to the police at the 7 Precinct Police Station. Two fellow practitioners went there with me. Because my phone did not have recording device, police considered my evidence to be insufficient. So police did not arrest him.
What motives Qiu Wei to do all these? I heard that Qiu is a pro-communist. He established a foundation with a goal to raise money from oversea Chinese and then hand the money to the CCP for anti-America, anti-Taiwan Independence and anti-Falun Gong campaigns by the CCP. He is trying to collude with Jiang Zemin to persecute Falun Gong, such that the CCP will give him name and profits. In the past several years, Qiu Wei has been trying his best to collude with the Chinese Consulate to make up lies in articles to defame and persecute Falun Gong here in America. He has been stirring up hate towards Falun Gong practitioners among oversea Chinese community.
The persecution towards Falun Gong has been going on for nine years. Fellow practitioners and I have been persistently setting up a booth on Canal Street to distribute truth-clarification materials about Falun Gong to those who pass by. We have been enduring all types of curses and spits from oversea Chinese people and have been given death threats.
Written by Ms. Lin Huiling
Case 22
On May 31, at a little past 2:00 p.m., Falun Gong practitioners were holding a rally on the street of Kissena. I was holding my three and a half years old daughter to listen to the speeches. Next to me were two women in their forties. One of them started to teach my daughter to curse the Falun Gong practitioners at the rally, saying to her, “They are bad people, they are practicing cult.” I was very angry at this. I told them, “You are speaking nonsense. How dare you to teach my child to curse these Falun Gong practitioners! I am listening to their speeches. Their words make sense. You not only do not listen to them, but even dare to teach my child to curse at them!” She stopped speaking. After a little while, she said, “You belong to Falun Gong. Get away.” I asked her, “Why?” She said, “I live upstairs of this building. I want you to get way from here. Otherwise I will call the police to force you to leave.” Then she went to speak to a police officer, saying that she is a resident here while I am not, and asked the police officers to force me to leave. The police officer ignored her.
Written by Ms. Cheng Lujin
Case 23
May 17, 2008
I am a Falun Gong practitioner. At about 2:00 p.m., I participated in the rally in front of the Queens Library at Flushing, to support those who have renounced the Chinese Communist Party. Because I was late, and because there were many deceived Chinese people gathered by the Chinese Communist Party to make turmoil there, police had blocked the entrance to the rally and was not allowing anyone to enter. I decided to look around nearby and spread some truth-clarification materials. When I was walking by the Starbucks Coffee, I saw a female Falun Gong practitioner who was spreading the Dajiyuan Newspaper. She was surrounded and verbally attacked by a group of people. There were about ten people. Although she was calmly explaining the truth to these people with a smile, none of them were willing to listen to her, and even were not allowing her to speak. As soon as she spoke a word, immediately there were a group of people yelling at her with such words, “You are shameless”, “You should go kill yourself”, and other very filthy and threatening words. Later another Falun Gong practitioner came to pull us out from there. Later the female practitioner who was attacked told me that she was always trying to find an opportunity to clarify the truth to those Chinese people, since she heard many of them were hired by the CCP with money. They were paid 90 dollars for a day to disturb and harass Falun Gong practitioners.
May 18, 2008
At noon, I received the message from a fellow Falun Gong practitioner who is my roommate. She said that I shall immediately go to the library to support the Nine Commentary Booth, if I was free, since those who came to harass us had come back again, and there had gathered about three hundred people already, and the situation is extremely urgent. When I got there, I saw a large crowd was surrounding our Nine Commentary Booth, yelling, cursing and trying to force us to leave. Those Falun Gong practitioners there were trying to clarify the truth to them peacefully. However, they refused to listen. Furthermore, over ten of them were surrounding and attacking an elderly practitioner in her late seventies (Ms. Peilan Zhang). They were cursing at her with very filthy words. Fortunately, police and several other fellow practitioners arrived and rescued her out. Otherwise, they could have violently attacked her. A while later, due to too many people surrounding and harassing us, police decided to ask us to leave for our safety, and told us to come back the following day. Although the police officers did this for our safety, but this made the bad people excited. They started to yell with joy like mad. The media sent by the CCP also immediately recorded the scene of us and getting ready to use it as a propaganda, since in the eyes of the public, we were forced to leave because we did something wrong.
As an American citizen, I was feeling very sad. Although I grew up in Taiwan, and returned to America for only one year, I know that America has been renowned for protecting human rights and righteousness in the world. As soon as the topic of human rights is mentioned, anyone would first think of America. However, what happened today made me very sad.
After our Nine Commentary Booth was removed for the day, I walked with a fellow female practitioner at the side of the Queens Library at Flushing. We met several Chinese people who were not clear about what had happened and started to ask us questions. At the beginning, we kindly responded to every question they raised. However, soon we noticed something strange, since we were immediately surrounded by over ten people who were not giving us any opportunity to speak, but only kept on asking questions, one after another, and as soon as we started to answer, they started to yell loudly and curse us. After a while like this, we realized that they were not listening to us at all, so we left.
May 19, 2008
At about 11:00 a.m., I came to the library again to support our Nine Commentary Booth. The same group of mobs came again, from about ten people at the beginning to about two or three hundred people again. Police came to use barricade to isolate them from us to allow the walkway to be cleared. I was among other practitioners who were quietly holding truth-clarification posters and giving out truth-clarification materials. However, the CCP mobs still were trying to harass us. They were led as a group to curse practitioners periodically and also waving their fists. The scene is just like what I saw in the movies and textbooks about the “Great Culture Revolution”. During the process, there were even several mobs jumped over the barricade to hit and snatch our posters. Fortunately the police came over to stop them. However, several posters of ours were damaged. Soon, a young mob wearing glasses yelled that he was about to buy some eggs to toss at us. At the beginning, practitioners did not pay any attention at him, and thought he was just saying it. However, several minutes later he came back with a bag of eggs and started to toss at practitioners and posters. Practitioners called the police. The mob noticed this and immediately ran away from the steps in front of the library. When police arrived, he was gone and so police only confiscated the eggs.
During the process, I noted the man and woman we met yesterday on the street came again, and were cursing at us. I asked a fellow female practitioner who had a camera to take a picture of these two people. The woman saw this and immediately came up to snatch the camera. The practitioner showed her ID as a reporter and told her that she has the right to take pictures. However, the woman refused to listen and even raised her hands to threaten the female practitioner that she would beat her if she does not delete the picture she took. She also cursed the female practitioner with very filthy words. Later, only when the police came over to force her to stop, she then reluctantly retreated into her crowds.
In the past several days, all of the Falun Gong practitioners have been kindly clarify the truth to the public and have followed the principals of “Upon hit, do not hit back; upon yelled, do not yell back.” Practitioners have been rationally and peacefully doing the things they need to do. We hope police and the government offices can pay attention to this incidence and make correct judgment. This is not simply an incidence of turmoil, but is purposefully organized by the Chinese Consulate to export hate towards Falun Dafa to America. For a long period of time, America symbolizes righteousness in my heart. America is always at the forefront to battle the evil. I think this is also the reason why the CCP chose Flushing to start, because if the American government does not even pay attention to this incidence, then the CCP could commit wrong doings even more recklessly in other countries.
The United States Secretary of Homeland Security, Mr. Michael Chertoff once stated, as someone who is in charge of homeland security, his job is to assure every American can walk out from home every morning without fear. I hope this goal can be achieved, since the practitioners here in Flushing are currently facing the severe threats of their lives and physical safety.
Written by Ms. Paula Chili Chen, nineteen years old
Case 24
My name is Daizhu (Pearl) Chen. I am fifty-nine years old. My home is at the City of Bellveau, Washington State. I am a Falun Dafa practitioner. I have been practicing Falun Dafa for eleven years. My mind and body have greatly benefited from the practice of Falun Dafa, especially, the practice has turned me into a person with compassion and a serene heart. In Washington State, I have volunteered for the Service Center for Quitting CCP for three years. I also volunteered for the Dajiuan Times (The Epoch Times) for six years. Recently, on May 17, when the Global Service Center for Quitting the CCP, located on the Main Street of Flushing, was holding a rally to support those brave Chinese people who have quit the CCP, the Chinese government directly orchestrated a hate crime through the Chinese Consul General Peng Keyu, who gathered a group of deceived Chinese people to make a turmoil in front of the Queens Library of Flushing, where the rally occurred. Shamefully, the Chinese government even sent reporters from China to film the “angry oversea Chinese” and then broadcast this as a hate propaganda to deceive the entire population of Chinese inside of China, claiming that what this is “oversea Chinese people protesting Falun Gong practitioners for interfering with fund raising efforts of earthquake relief”. Such hate propaganda aims to transfer the anxiety of good-hearted Chinese people towards the Sichuan earth quake to hate towards Falun Gong practitioners, and thereby further the evil persecution of Falun Gong practitioners inside and outside of China. Due to the hate propaganda spread by the oversea Chinese newspapers, such as 明报, 世界日报, local Flushing Chinese community immediately turned into a community of hate, towards Falun Gong practitioners. Consequently, a series of hate crimes occurred in Flushing. The Dajiyuan Times, which has become a popular newspaper prior to the incidence on May 17, was about to go on shelf for sale, became severely rejected by the Flushing community due to the hate propaganda. Upon hearing this news, I decided to come to Flushing to clarify the truth to the deceived Chinese people.
I arrived in Flushing on June 4 and started to help with street distribution of Dajiyuan Times. At about 2:35 p.m. on June 6, I was standing on the corner of Main Street and 41 Ave., distributing Dajiyuan Times, as usual. A woman in her fifties walked by me and took a copy of the newspaper from me. Instead of reading it, she immediately spit at it in front of me, and then tossed it into a garbage bin. I felt very hurt and intimidated. I saw her walking to the next street corner and picked up another copy of the newspaper from another volunteer distributor. She spit on the newspaper again and then tossed the newspaper into a garbage bin. I no longer could tolerate such irrational behavior. So I walked to her and decided to take a picture of her so that I can inform Dajiyuan Times what happened. This woman noticed what I was doing. She immediately jumped towards me and tried to grab my camera. I tried to protect my camera, but she became vicious and started to grab my shirts and tried to torn my clothes. My neck was tightened by the grabbed shirt and I felt almost suffocated. She then dug her nails into the skin of my back. When she was finally pulled away by other people from me, I felt severe pain on the spot where her nails dug into. Fellow practitioners saw a long streak of broken skin with minor bleeding, left on my upper back. I felt severe pain. Later I went to the 109 police precinct to report my case. I learned that the same woman had already attacked three other fellow practitioners along the way. She broke one practitioner’s glasses and broke another practitioner’s camera. She later was arrested, and imprisoned for one night. I am determined to bring her to court for what she has done.
Written by Ms. Pearl Chen
June 7, 2008
Case 25
On June 14, after the parade, local Falun Dafa practitioners held a rally on Kissena Street. I was holding a poster with the image of Falun and I was standing in face of the Tongren Hall of New York City (纽约同仁堂), next to the Zhongmei Supermarket (中美超市). At about 2:30 p.m., I saw two men in their forties, both wearing white T shirts, one of them with a leather case under his arm. I read “Qingdao City Police Department” on it. When these two men walked by the Tongren Hall, they greeted a man in black T shirt. This man in black T shirt has appeared among the CCP mobs who attacked Falun Gong practitioners. I had repeatedly saw him among those who attacked Falun Gong practitioners and he was always in the black T shirt. One incidence that I remember most clearly is the one in front of the Queens Library at Flushing. He participated in attacking an African American Falun Dafa practitioner from Washington DC. Her name is Conney. He was wearing the black T shirt that day also. He has all his hair shaved and he is somewhat heavy.
Attached is a picture of him that I found.
Written by Ms. Sihui Li (Angela)
Case 26
My name is Yuyun Zou. I am a Falun Dafa practitioner. On June 23, 2008, at about 4:30 p.m., I was standing in front of the Chinatown Supermarket while distributing the Dajiyuan Times. Suddenly, a Chinese woman in red, with short hair, in her fifties, walked by me and stared at me with vicious look. She spit out, “Go kill yourself!” while she walked away.
Written by Ms. Yuyun Zou
Case 27
On June 9, 2008, I was distributing Dajiyuan Times in front of the Huangjin Market with fellow practitioners. A woman in black yelled at us. Another man in blue short-sleeved shirt came to join her. He also came to grab newspapers directly from our hands. I took out my cell phone to take his photo for reporting him to Dajiyuan Times. He jumped to me and grabbed my cell phone. Then he smashed my cell phone onto the cement ground. The metal corner of my cell phone was immediately broken. After he smashed my cell phone, this man immediately went for the cell phone of a fellow female practitioner who was next to me. This practitioner escaped from his attack. He then started to grab the newspapers in her hands. He grabbed about ten newspapers, and then smashed the stack of newspapers onto the ground. Then he cursed loudly while walking away. This man is the same person who attacked the Deputy Chief Editor, Mr. Pan Hongyi. When he was attacking Mr. Pan, he was also wearing this blue short-sleeved shirt.
Written by Ms. Yu Zhang on June 19, 2008
Case 28
My name is Chen Fengyi. I work as a volunteer for the Global Service Center for Quitting the CCP. I have encountered two incidences which made me feel intimidated and hurt.
On June 15, at a little past 8:00 a.m., when I was at the subway entrance, a woman in her forties cursed at me, saying, “You are mentally abnormal!”
On June 17, at a little past 4:00 p.m., at a “Nine Commentary” site near the entrance of the subway, I saw a fellow practitioner doing Falun Dafa practice. A woman in her sixties cursed at the fellow practitioner, saying, “Demon and Ghost”.
Written by Mr. Chen Fengyi
Case 29
I am a Falun Dafa practitioner. My name is He Xiu’e. At about 3:00 p.m., on June 14, I was interviewing an elderly lady, whose name is Ms. Ye Caiyun (seventy-eight years old), on the street under the office of Global Service Center of Quitting CCP. Ms. Ye was describing to me how touched she was during the parade of Falun Gong practitioners. She said that when she saw the posters held in Falun Gong practitioners’ hands showing so many Falun Gong practitioners were tortured to death and murdered for their organs, she could not help but cried and called out, “You are doing a great job. Please keep up!” Many other people on the side of the road were very touched by the parade and also were clapping their hands. Suddenly, several men and women came to her and cursed at her, “Traitor! Traitor! Get Away!” Ms. Ye Caiyun said, “The CCP is too evil!” Then came several other people who agreed with her. A female reporter of NTDTV came and filmed this scene.
Below I describe an incidence I encountered recently.
At a little past 4:00 p.m., on June 17, I was distributing Dajiyuan Times on the street under the office of the Global service Center of Quitting CCP. I met a man and a woman. This is how they treated me:
1. The woman cursed at me, saying, “How much do you make by doing this here? You are a traitor and you are a brainless follower!”
2. The man took a copy of the newspaper from my hand, and then yelled at me, “Traitor! Brainless follower!” He angrily tossed the newspaper into a nearby garbage bin and then spit onto the newspaper.
Written by Ms. He Xiu’e
Case 30
In recent months, all of the incidences I encountered were stirred up by hate spread through the Chinese Consulate in New York among Flushing Chinese Community, and carried out by those who are local gangs and mobs, hired by the CCP, with a number of hundreds. They have been defaming Falun Dafa practitioners, cursing at us, threatening us, and even attacked us. Below I describe three incidences I witnessed and encountered.
1. On May 20, we were attacked in front of the Queens Library of Flushing. That day, we were standing at our booth, at a site authorized to us by the police, and holding posters and banners, such as “CCP is not the same as China”. At about 2:00 p.m., many mobs came to attack us. A fellow practitioner was severely beaten. A group of mobs came to me and grabbed my poster, then torn my poster apart. Then they grabbed my head, took off my hat, and then smashed it onto the ground. The mob who did this is a very vicious one, who has a square-shaped face , very tall, wearing a pair of shades and a black shirt. This mob appeared in several occasions attacking Falun Dafa practitioners.
2. At a little past 2:00 p.m., on June 16, when I was distributing newspapers and truth-clarification materials at the “Nine Commentary” site in front of the Queens Library of Flushing, a man (a woman was walking next to him), average height with black hair, wearing a pair of shades, was walking towards us from the direction of the Post Office. When he reached in front of me, he viciously turned to me and grabbed my newspaper, and then torn it apart. I asked him why he did that. He said, “Are you distributing the newspaper?” I said, “But I did not give it to you. You robbed it from me and then torn it.” He became very irrational and said, “I will tear the newspaper regardless. Go find the police”. So a fellow practitioner and I went to find a police officer. The police officer scolded him seriously and warned him that if he did this again, he would be arrested.
Written by Mr. Sun Zhiwen
Case 31
On the morning of May 26, when I was distributing Dajiyuan Times on 40 Ave., a man came to grab the newspaper from my hands and then smashed it onto the ground next to my feet. He cursed, “You are shameless!” “You should go kill yourself!” “You should go to be a prostitute!” His attitude is very vicious, full of negative energy. I was feeling very hurt. When I was walking on the street, I no longer felt safe.
On June 17, when I was distributing newspapers at the entrance of the subway, a woman in red clothes and wearing a red hat was cursing at me, “Demons and Ghosts” “ Traitors!”
Written by Ms. Wang Xi (Chelsea Wang)
Case 32
My name is Ma Chunpu. I am eighty-seven years old and I am from Los Anglos. At about 10:30 a.m., on June 3, I carried about four copies of the Dajiyuan Times of that day to go to the “Nine Commentary” booth in front of the Queens Library of Flushing. The booth has just resumed its normal operation since the May 17 incidence. However, when I just got to the steps in front of the entrance of the library, the mobs who were already waiting there saw me and immediately viewed me as a target of attack. They approached me and started to yell at me, making sarcastic statements, such as, “How much money this old woman would make for doing this?” “Hey, she is also here for making money. Go home and take a break.” On June 14, when Falun Dafa practitioners held a parade, at about 3:00 p.m., when I was carrying a stack of newspapers and walking towards the site of the rally, I saw a group of CCP mobs in the crowds on the street. They were actively cursing at a female Falun Dafa practitioner and also defaming Falun Dafa. I went over to support the female practitioner. However, a man in his forties jumped out towards me with a very vicious look and appeared as if he was about to beat me. He came very close to me and raised his hands as if he was about to hit me with force. Due to my fearlessness and righteousness, he did not beat me, but simply started to verbally abuse me, saying, “You old woman, you are about to die. You only have a few days to live.” Other mobs also joined in and cursed at me. I replied, “I will not die. I come here to save you.” This is the kindness from the bottom of my heart. CCP has gone to its dead end. Heaven is about to eliminate it, sine heaven and people on the earth all want it to be eliminated.
Written by Ms. Ma Chunpu
Case 33
The first incidence of violence I encountered at Flushing was at the Huangjin Market. A woman named Lili in her fifties has a small business at the basement of the Huangjin Market. At 2:35 p.m., on June 12, she said to me, “You are minion.” I replied, “Do you know, the CCP is truly a minion of Marx.” A fellow practitioner next to me reminded me not to respond to her words. At that time, I was holding the poster of Service Center for Quitting CCP while the fellow practitioner Kathy was holding a stack of Dajiyuan Times newspaper. (When I saw Lili approaching us), I said to her, “Do not use your fist”. Lili responded my words by grabbing Kathy’s glasses and smashed it onto the ground. One arm of the glasses was immediately broken. A fellow practitioner, Ms. Qian Yang, immediately took out her camera and was about to take a picture of Lili. Lili quickly reached out to grab the camera. I hurried to find police. There was a police car nearby. When police came, we saw Lili was grabbing Ms. Qian Yang’s black string (for the camera) around her neck and was not letting it go. Only when she saw the police, did she let it loose. At the start, when the police saw the broken glasses, the broken camera and the broken MPs, he was not ready to arrest her, but simply dispersing the surrounded people. After fellow practitioners clarified the truth to him, he arrested Lili, who was later imprisoned. The following day Kathy and Ms. Qian Yang went to the police station to report the case. While they are victims, I was there as a witness. I heard that Lili was jailed for less than 24 hours before she was released the following afternoon, around 3:00 p.m.
The second violent incidence I experienced was at the noon of June 16, near the Zhongmei (Chinese-American) Shen’er Shop (close to the Huangjin Market), a fellow practitioner, Ms. Rose, was distributing Dajiyuan Times, while a man was speaking in a loud voice with her. I asked another practitioner Ms. Xiu Hua to find someone who has a camera to take a photo of that man. Mr. Pan Hongyi came over to help. He and I walked to the man. When Mr. Pan was about to take a photo of him, the man in blue shirt raised his hand and used the side of his palm to hit Mr. Pan. The camera dropped onto the ground. This man stepped onto the camera multiple times. Police officers quickly arrived. The man in blue rejected arrest and eventually three men pressed him on the ground to get him arrested.
Written by Ms. Loretta Kraatz
Case 34
My name is Guan Yingqin. I am a Falun Dafa practitioner. On June 8, 2008, I was holding a poster in front of the Flushing Library. The poster has the image of the Stone which was uncovered recently, with hidden Chinese characters of “The Chinese Communist Party Dies”. Suddenly, a man in shorts and short-sleeved shirts, wearing glasses, jumped in front of me and started to yell at me, saying, “You are lying. This picture is not real. Falun Gong is speaking nonsense and harming people.” Under his influence, a large crowd came up. They were already stirred up with hate towards Falun Gong practitioners. I told him, “You are trying to stir up hate and attack me and intimidate me. I did not even speak to you. Why are you attacking me? Information on the characters on the stone is provided by scientists from China and you can find it from the website. You can also take a trip there to Pingdang County, Guizhou Province to check out the site yourself. The ticket of that scenic site even printed this image. It is all real. I am not lying to you.” He continued to curse at me. Later a reporter came and immediately filmed his irrational behavior. However, he still stood there, staring at me viciously. I decided not to pay any attention to him.
A pro-communist person dares to directly attack me with hateful words and this really hurt me. Since I came to Flushing, quite often there have been people walking by and cursed at me, saying, “Traitor!” “Anti-Communist factor!” “You should go to kill yourself” “Get Away!” and other filthy words. Although Flushing is in America, I am still threatened by them. I feel that I do not have safety, and my mind was always extremely stressed out. I have been feeling very sad.
Written by Ms. Guan Yingqin, a Falun Dafa practitioner from New Jersey
Case 35
On June 19, I witnessed an incidence of tossing out Dajiyuan Times at the Dazhonghua Supermarket.
At 9:00 a.m., I went to the Dazhonghua Supermarket. A fellow practitioner with the surname Wang was already there and was ready to let me take over the site. She reminded me, “Today is Thursday. Every Thursday there has been recurring problems. Please pay special attention here.” Afterwards, she left. At about 9:30 a.m., a worker of the supermarket took out a shopping cart and started to toss the Dajiyuan Times into the cart. Then he pushed the newspapers to the back yard and tossed into the garbage. I chased him over and called out, “Excuse me, Sir. Why are you tossing out our newspapers into the garbage? The newspapers are for us to clarify the truth and we made them by saving every penny in our daily life. Don’t you see what you are doing is wrong?” He turned around and looked at me with guilt. I continued, “Sir, please pick up the Newspapers for us.” He did not say anything and obediently picked up the newspapers. I took the newspapers to the front of the store and arranged them according to the dates. It appeared to me that overall no newspaper was missing. Just when I was about to finish organizing the newspapers, two old women (they were customers) pointed at me, asking, “Do you belong to Dajiyuan?” I smiled at them and replied, “No, I do not belong to Dajiyuan, but Dajiyuan does not pursue name or profit and tells the truth. Maybe you two should also read it.” The two of them started to toss words one after another towards me, saying things like, “Dajiyuan lies and damages the reputation of Chinese”, and other defamatory words. Their voices became louder and louder and my efforts in clarifying the truth was not appreciated. At this time, I was also already surrounded by over twenty people. Some of them were workers of the store. They were all targeting at me. I was not angry. I had no fear or hate. I was simply standing there quietly and did Send Forth Righteous Thoughts (SFRTs, a daily practice of Falun Gong practitioners, note by the translator). After about fifteen minutes, they gradually dispersed. Some workers of the store said, “If you want to place the newspapers here, then do so today. But tomorrow we will toss them out whatever amount of newspapers you place here.” I kept on doing SFRTs and thought, “It is not up to you to decide.” I have described the entire process as above.
I also met those who supported and sympathized at me. They came to me afterwards and said to me, “You have done this with great difficulties and have not been easy. But what you are doing is very great.” I thanked them for their support.
At noon of June 22, when I was distributing newspapers on the Main Street, in front of the Huangjin Supermarket, a young man cursed at me, saying, “I wish your entire family totally die out and have trouble to give birth to children and grandchildren.”
Case 36
Prior to May 17, 2008, I used to volunteer for the Dajiyuan Times every Saturday and Sunday. I distributed the newspaper and warmly greeted those who pass by me in Chinese, “Good Morning. Dajiyuan Times. Take care.” If they are Americans, I would smile at them and speak in English, “Good Morning.” The first day when I volunteered here, I had the following thoughts, “Is this America. How come the eyes of Chinese people here are so cold looking. Some ladies looked at me with a look that made me chill to the bottom of my heart.” While I was standing on the street, I felt that I was like the flowers fully blossomed in the Spring time were suddenly watered by the cold winter icy water. However, I had faith in using my honesty and kindness to touch those people’s heart, gradually. The first time when I was distributing the newspapers, I could only distribute less than two stacks of the newspapers. However, two or three weeks later, I was distributing eight to nine stacks of newspapers within three hours. I would stay until all of the newspapers were completely distributed before I went home. In this process, many people started to greet me and some Americans also came to ask for my name. Sometimes they even say a long stretch of English which I could not understand, with a smile. My heart felt very warm by that.
On May 17, 2008, the Global Service Center for Quitting CCP was holding a rally in front of the Queens Library at Flushing to support the efforts of quitting CCP. However, the CCP mobs who were standing in front of the New China Supermarket and within the monitoring area of the police, even dare to curse at us and even tossed a glass bottle towards us to harm us. An elderly lady who was holding a poster of quitting CCP was hit by the glass on her foot and the glass bottle smashed into pieces and scattered to all over places. I know that the wound on her body cannot compare with the wound in her heart. When I witnessed this, I was so shocked. Is this China? Why Chinese people dare to do such violence even on the land of America? I am from Taiwan. Taiwan has democracy and peace. Today I am standing on the land of Flushing. Is this America? Why such incidence can happen here? My heart was bleeding.
On May 18, in the morning, I still went out to distribute the newspapers. A middle-aged man came from my back and he used force to smash me from my back with his elbows. I was pushed to run several steps forward. He did not look at me, but said, sorry, I did not do this on purpose. Then he walked away. I ran up to him and padded his shoulder. I said, “Do not worry. Even if you did this on purpose, I will also forgive you.” He did not dare to raise his head to look at me.
Since the morning of May 19, I have been coming out to distribute the newspapers even during weekdays. I want people to learn the truth. Although sometimes I had fear, but I reminded myself that if no one dares to stand up now, then even more people will suffer. Since May 19, I encountered many vicious looks from many Chinese people, their cursing at me and even spitting at me. Some even toss the cigarette butt still burning, at me. I tried to protect myself when I could, but when I could not, I simply took the abuse. I did not fight back. I also met many people who took my newspapers and then immediately tossed them onto the ground and then spit on them. Even there were some who came to snatch newspapers from my hands to toss them into garbage. I witnessed all types of behaviors. Some young people even kicked a pile of newspapers until they were scattered all over places. After they did so, they quickly ran to the subway entrance to escape through the subway. These people who have been unkind to me never met me before and we had no prior conflicts. I do not understand why they have so much hate towards our newspapers and Falun Dafa practitioners. I hope such incidences will never repeat again. I hope for world peace and people can love and respect each other.
Written by Ms. Chen Mingzhu
Contact Information:
Phone: 347-283-4564
Email: judy381015@yahoo.com.tw
Case 37
I was walking on the Main Street with my mother. When we were passing by the MacDonald near 40 Ave, I saw a volunteer of Dajiyuan Times were holding torn newspapers of Dajiyuan and debating with a woman in a wheelchair. The woman was cursing loudly at the volunteer, who was telling her not to torn the newspapers. I took out my camera and took two pictures of that woman. Suddenly another woman appeared and started to curse at me. I then face the camera at her. She used the newspapers to slap my right side face twice and also reached her hands to smash at my camera. My camera immediately shut down. When I restarted the camera, she stretched her arms to hit my camera again. The camera hit my face at the corner of my mouth. It was very painful. Later I noticed that I was bleeding and there developed a small lump. The cover of my camera also failed to cover. Later police came and learned what happened to me. Police went into the hiding place of that woman and listened to them for a while. When the police came out, he told me that she accused me of harassing her. Police asked me whether the camera hit me. I said yes, but I forgot to tell the police that she slapped my face. The police officer took down my ID number and then left. Later Mom and I went to the 109 Police Precinct to report the case. The staff members told us to return there the following morning at 10:00 a.m.
Eye Witness of What Happened Between May 17 to May 19, 2008 (Information handed to 109 Police Precinct) On May 17, a small gathering took place in front of the Flushing Library located on the corner of Main Street and Kissena Blvd. The Organizer of this gathering is the Global Service Center for Quitting the Chinese Communist Party. The gathering started at 12:00 p.m. and ended at 3:00 p.m. The goal of the gathering was to openly support the thirty-six million Chinese people who have quitted the Chinese Communist Party through making a statement on the Epoch Times (www.epochtimes.com). Similar gatherings at much larger scale have been held in the past several years all over the world in order to awake Chinese people outside of China to learn about the true evil nature of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) so that they can also choose to quit the CCP. The event was approved by the Queens Police Department and carried out peacefully with total respect of regulations and rules set forth by the police department. Most of the participants of the gatherings are Falun Dafa practitioners. Besides practitioners, there were leaders and supporters of different Chinese Organizations or Parties which are working for promoting freedom, democracy and human rights. Prior to the gatherings, practitioners kindly handing out colorful ballons and various flyers, brochures, newspapers and DVD discs that contain information of how the Chinese Communist Party persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners. The gathering started by the sad voice of a female Falun Dafa practitioner who is the hostess of a program of the New Tang Dynasty Television. She expressed her sorrow on the death of so many children and innocent people during the recent Sichuan Earth Quake, and pointed out the cause of so much death is due to the corruption and deception of the Chinese Communist Party, who first hide information about the predicted earth quake for the sake of faking a peaceful society for the upcoming Olympics, and later refused timely international rescue efforts in order to cover up its own wrong doings. While she was speaking, a large crowd of people started to gather across the street from the Flushing Library and a small cluster of people formed a core to curse and make dirty hand signs. The second speaker is the leader of a Chinese Democratic Party, who spoke up his disappointment towards those across the street and asked them to wake up, instead of being the blind followers of the Chinese Communist Party. He said that he gained insight from his recent dreams that the Sichuan Earth Quake is not the end but the beginning of even worse disasters and that the CCP’s wrong doings are the fundamental cause of the large amount of death from the earth quake. His words were constantly interrupted by the small cluster of people across the street, who became more vicious in their behaviors. During his speech, a glass bottle was tossed across the street with driving cars, and upon dropping on the street, smashed into many pieces of sharp broken glasses. Then someone was tossing oranges and water bottles, which were handed to them by someone who appeared to be one of the organizers of that cluster of people. Among them are young ladies, a young father with a young girl of about seven. Later it was revealed that they were controlled by someone who was hiding behind the library using a cell phone to order this cluster what to call out and what to do. Soon they were holding little red flags and unfolded a large red flag which represents the Chinese Communist Party, also called the bloody flag named by those who are aware of the killing history of CCP. The third speaker was a doctor who came to speak the fact that China became the second largest donor for organ transplant since 2000, while prior to that China was not even within the first one hundred nations for organ transplant. This doctor pointed out that organ transplant is so difficult due to the lack of source of consented organ donors and the fact that organs need to be matched for compatibility and it is extremely hard to find a matched donor under normal situation. He pointed out that the only way for China to provide organ for any person within a short two to four week period, is to take organ from a large pool of people who are waiting to be “used” as a live donor. Most of the people in the pool are prisoners of conscience and have been deprived their fundamental rights. The large increase of the availability of donor organs coincide with the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners in China and the fact that so many practitioners “disappeared” after their arrest, indicating that the CCP is murdering healthy Falun Dafa practitioners for their organs and making large profits. The entire speech was again constantly interrupted by loud and vicious verbal attacks. The Chief Editor of the English version of the Epoch Times came to give a short speech and her voice was almost totally covered by the loud curse and yelling from across the street. The speaker had to stop and commented kindly on how such a young girl is being taught to behave so poorly at the public and question the father why not to teach the girl to act right. The next speaker, Ms. Wang Wenyi, who is known to call out “Stop Persecution Of Falun Dafa” when the Chinese President Wu Jingtao was meeting President Bush in front of the White House. She again stressed the fact of how Falun Dafa practitioners have been brutally persecuted and the cruelty of taking practitioners’ organs for transplantation. She used her kind voice to wake up the conscience of the audience. Another speaker who works for the World Organization of Investigation of the Persecution of Falun Gong spoke on the topic of how this organization aims to take all of those who directly or indirectly participated in the persecution of Falun Dafa to justice and warned those across the street not to help the evil but quickly take the opportunity to quit the evil CCP. Several other speakers followed, all spoke with kindness and encouraged those who still blindly follow the CCP and even work for CCP to wake up and quit the CCP. One speaker spoke directly to those who were cursing across the street, “I want to thank you, because it is you who have shown me the real significance of the efforts of Falun Dafa practitioners in clarifying the truth of the persecution of Falun Dafa and now motivate me to take the role in ending the evil CCP”. At 3:00 p.m., the gathering peacefully ended. Falun Dafa practitioners did not respond to the verbal abuses and almost violent actions from across the street and simply and kindly clarified the truth to the public, with a compassionate heart to save those who are being deceived. On the morning of May 18, Sunday, a large crowd of people suddenly appeared in front of the Flushing Library and surrounded a small group of elderly Chinese Falun Dafa practitioners, who were there at a booth approved by the local police department. The booth has been there for the past over three years and has been playing a key role in delivering true information about the persecution of Falun Dafa, as well as the set of articles called the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, which was first published on the Chinese News paper, called Dajiyuan Times. The nine articles systematically revealed for the first time the true history and nature of the Chinese Communist Party and pointed out why the CCP persecute Falun Dafa. Thanks to the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, near thirty-six million Chinese quitted the CCP. The CCP is extremely afraid of the Nine Commentaries. It is clear now what happened on May 17 was an organized event, and the organizer in fact is Zhou Yongkang (male), who is the CCP Secretary of the CCP Political and Judicial Committee. Zhou has recently directly orchestrated the vicious oversea incidences that aimed to disrupt the oversea gatherings supporting the Chinese public in quitting the CCP as well as the gatherings of the Human Rights Torch Relay. Taking advantage of the oversea spy network, working through Oversea Chinese Organizations and Student Organizations controlled by the CCP, Zhou attempted to stir up hate and use money to buy local ruffians and hooligans to make social turmoil to attack oversea Chinese who participate in the gatherings that support the Chinese public who quit the CCP (http://big5.minghui.org/mh/articles/2008/5/21/178908.html).On May 18, the same group of people, in an organized format, came to attack a group of elderly Falun Dafa practitioners who were simply and kindly offering the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party to those who were passing in front of the library. Later police came to disperse the crowd.On May 19, near one hundred people from the same group went to attack the practitioners who were standing at the Nine Commentary Booth in front of the library. This time, Flushing practitioner Ms. Judy Chen was immediately attached by a middle-aged lady, who slapped Judy’s face and scratched Judy’s mouth. Since Judy was holding a camera to take pictures of those who were harassing elderly practitioners, the middle-aged woman grabbed her camera and smashed it onto the floor. Several people also surrounded and attached an elderly practitioner Ms. Peilan Zhang and used extremely dirty words to label her and attack her, after another practitioner commented on her being persecuted as a Falun Dafa practitioner in China, despite her many years of working for the Communist Party. She was labeled as “Traitor”. To stop what has been happening in front of the Flushing Library, we here present these detailed information to you to help you understand what has been going on. We need your immediate attention on this matter to assure the safety of the Falun Dafa practitioners who work at the Nine Commentary Booth in front of the Flushing Library. We believe that the group of people who has been committing verbal abuse and violent actions towards kind-hearted and peaceful Falun Dafa practitioners are controlled by the Chinese Communist Party and are committing a crime on the land of America. This aims to prevent the world to know what is truly happening in China and attempt to support the evil doings in China. Kind-hearted American police shall stand up to help the persecuted Falun Dafa practitioners to clarify the truth to the deceived Chinese here in Flushing. This in term will make Flushing a much safer and harmonious neighborhood for all who are living here.
Written by Dr. Tongwen Wang, Ph.D.
Case 38
My name is Li Qiuying. I am a Falun Gong practitioner. I am sixty-three years old.
At 3:00 p.m. on July 5, I was distributing newspapers at a Service Center for Quitting CCP, on the Main Street. A middle-aged man came to mess up the newspapers in my hands. I asked him not to do so. In response, he came to snatch my newspapers. I refused to cooperate. Fortunately two police officers came over immediately to handle the case. I felt very frightened by his behavior and am very grateful to the police officers, since I know if they did not come, the man was ready to exercise more violent actions towards me.
Written by Ms. Li Qiuying
Case 39
Recently, I was helping with the truth-clarification events in Flushing, after the CCP spread hate propaganda to the local Chinese community. During my stay in Flushing, I went out to distribute newspapers. Every day I had to endure the vicious cursing from the deceived Chinese people when they walked pass by me. On June 15, around 4:00 p.m., a man and a woman came to me, took a newspaper, and then torn the newspapers. They yelled at me, “Next time you took my pictures, I will torn all of the Dajiyuan Newspapers!”
At around 3:00 p.m., on June 16, a middle-aged woman came to me and yelled at me, “You are not a human but a ghost!”
On July 17, a man about fifty years old pointed at me with his right hand fingers. He cursed, “You are a traitor!” He repeated cursed at me.
The above described incidences occurred in front of the Ankangzibucheng Store. At the time I was the only person there.
Written by Ms. Ou Xiufang, a practitioner from Vancouver
Case 40
My name is Ms. Zhang Peilan. I am a Falun Dafa practitioner. I was severely persecuted for my belief in Truth-Compassion-Tolerance, when I was in Mainland China. I benefited greatly from the practice of Falun Dafa, and am very saddened by the ongoing persecution by the CCP towards Falun Dafa practitioners. Since I came to the United States, I have been helping with the truth-clarification of Falun Dafa here in USA. In the past several years, I have been distributing the Dajiyuan Newspaper almost every morning. Below is some experience I had during the recent Flushing Incidence.
On May 20, I was at my apartment, when I heard a phone call to a fellow practitioner, Mr. Xiao Jing. Ms. Wan Zhen, who has been in charge of the Nine Commentary Booth in front of the Queens Library of Flushing on the Main Street, was the one made the call. She said that she needed more practitioners to support the booth, since the booth was being surrounded and attacked by bad people. I immediately left my apartment and headed towards the library. When I got there, I saw over ten people were already there attacking our booth. Soon Mr. Xiao Jing, Ms. Du Xiaohua and Ms. Judy Chen all arrived. I stood next to the desk of our booth. Tens of people started to attack our booth and the police officers still were not there. A reporter was there taking the pictures. The mobs were cursing non-stop. A woman, somewhat heavy, wearing lots of make ups, yelled at us, “This is not your place. Falun Gong is not allowed to be here. Get away!” I said, “We are also Chinese and why we are not allowed to be here?” She started to use very filthy language towards me, such as, “You are shameless”. We responded her with silence but simply raised our poster and showed the messages to her. Then about seven people came over to smash at our posters, and tried to torn apart our posters. I tried to protect the poster, but they pushed me so hard that I almost fell onto the ground. Then police came, after these people cursed at us for a long time. Some mobs already broke some glass bottles and torn some posters. Unfortunately, some practitioners already cleaned up all of the evidence before the police officers came, although I insisted that it should be left there for police officers to see the evidence. Police did not see much evidence and considered it to be simply confrontations. So they dispersed us and eventually asked us to remove the booth for the day. I was very sad and disappointed, since we should not have agreed to leave there, without showing to the police exactly the nature of the attack. I remember when I was in China, when the CCP started to persecute the practitioners, I also encountered a similar incidence, when a group of bad people pretended to be making films at our practice site and used that as an excuse to force us to leave. At that time, with righteous mind, I said no and eventually they had to retreat. I wish we had enough righteous thought towards the bad people so that we would not have lost our site for that day.
Written by Ms. Zhang Peilan, an elderly practitioner in her seventies
In June, Ms. Daizhu Chen reported this case to the 109 Precinct:
My name is Daizhu Chen. I am fifty nine years old. I am from Bellevue, Washington. I am a Falun Dafa practitioner. I have been practicing Falun Dafa for the past eleven years. Falun Dafa has benefited my mind, body and spirit. Especially, the practice has made me a very calm and compassionate person.
Back home at the State of Washington, I have been working as a volunteer for the Service Center for Quitting the Chinese Communist Party, in the past three years. I have also volunteered for the Dajiyuan Newspaper during the past six years. Recently, in front of Flushing Library, during a gathering for supporting thirty-seven million brave Chinese people who have already quit the Chinese Communist Party, a group of oversea Chinese people controlled by the Chinese Consulate here in New York came to attack and mess up the gatherings, and subsequently developed into the vicious incidences of beating Falun Dafa practitioners on the streets of Flushing. The Chinese Communist Party then twisted the facts and blamed Falun Dafa practitioners for “disturbing and interfering fund raising for helping those suffered from the Sichuan Earthquake” , thus stirring up hate among Chinese people inside and outside of China towards innocent Falun Dafa practitioners. These series of vicious incidences combined with the spread of hate propaganda by oversea Chinese media controlled by the CCP made the Chinese public in Flushing to become hostile towards Falun Dafa practitioners and also even to the previously extremely popular newspaper, Dajiyuan Newspaper. As a volunteer for the Global Service Center for Quitting the CCP and a volunteer for the Dajiyuan Newspaper, I decided to come to Flushing to support Dajiyuan Newspaper in rectifying the situation.
I arrived at Flushing on June 4, 2008. Every day after I arrived, I went out to deliver Dajiyuan Newspaper on the streets. At about 2:40 p.m., on June 6, I was standing at the corner of Main Street and 41 Avenue, and offering Dajiyuan Newspaper to those who were passing by. When a woman in her early fifties came in front of me, I kindly and friendly offered a copy of the Dajiyuan Newspaper to her. The woman took the newspaper and spit on it with hate. Then she tossed the newspaper into a nearby garbage bin. I then saw her walking to the next corner of the street, and repeated the same behavior when another volunteer handed to her a copy of the newspaper. I decided to go forward and take a picture of her. As soon as she saw me taking her picture, she jumped over to me in an attempt to get my camera. During the struggle, she reached out to my right upper shoulder and used her nails to hurt my skins. My right upper shoulder area left a long mark of injured skin and it was extremely painful. Since I am a Falun Dafa practitioner, I followed the principals of “no beating back when beaten and no cursing back when cursed”. After this incident occurred, I went to the Flushing Police Department to report the case at around 4:00 p.m.
Written by Ms. Daizhu Chen
June 15, 2008
All of these cases were submitted to local District Attorney's Office:
Richard A. Brown: 718-886-6000; Assistant DA: Patricia Diaz: 718-286-6496
The Voice of an American Mother in Response to Peng Keyu’s Switching the Lights on Empire State Building to Celebrate the 60’s Anniversary of the Chinese Communist Regime
By Dr. Tongwen Wang
Peng Keyu committed hate crimes in America. He shall be expelled from the United States. How can a criminal be allowed to continue to commit crimes and be allowed to glorify a deceptive and violent regime of communism on the land of America, which supposedly protects human rights?
How Peng Keyu has committed crimes on the land of America? As an American Citizen, a mother of two, I have been suffering from the hate crimes he has committed.
1. Peng Keyu orchestrated hate crimes in Flushing, New York
Started on May 17, 2008, on the Main Street of Flushing, New York, a large crowd of Chinese Communist Party's thugs started to attack Falun Dafa practitioners who were participating in a peaceful rally in supporting those Mainland Chinese people who had quit the Chinese Communist Party through a Chinese language newspaper called Dajiyuan. However, the Chinese language media reported a twisted story in which Falun Dafa practitioners were depicted to be hosting a rally to celebrate the Sichuan Earth Quake, which caused over 70,000 deaths, among which over 10,000 were young school children, died from "Soybean Paste" Construction, a name used to depict poor construction due to CCP officials' corruption. Chinese people were saddened by the loss of so many innocent lives and were angry at the Chinese government officials for corruption and no adequate rescuing efforts. In order to divert such emotional distress from the Chinese people, the Chinese Central Government staged scenes on the Street of Flushing, New York, to convince Chinese people that Falun Dafa practitioners "have no human emotions" and therefore transfer the hate towards Falun Dafa practitioners. The Chinese media inside Mainland China, after reporting such news, justified new round-ups to search for and arrest Falun Dafa practitioners, many of them have been imprisoned, subjected to forced labor, and inhumane torture. Here in the United States, Falun Dafa practitioners in Flushing started to suffer from hate crimes on the streets of Flushing.
Below is my personal experience, as an American Citizen.
On May 19, 2008, I was taking a walk with my two year old daughter Lotus to her favorite Chinese eatery on the Main Street . I was wearing a simply blue pin on which it says, "Falun Dafa is good" in both English and Chinese. When I stopped by the Flushing Library, someone spotted the pin on me and started to curse at me. Soon I and Lotus, who was sitting in her little stroller, were surrounded by over thirty angry Chinese people. They make such a tight circle around me and Lotus that I felt I almost could not breathe. Their fingers could point into my face. In fact, I felt someone hit me on my head. I heard them calling me,” Traitor", "You deserve to die"...Someone was trying to reach into the baby stroller to take away my daughter Lotus. A reporter observed what happened and took a photo of the scene. Later the picture was posted on a newspaper. My husband saw what happened to me and Lotus and decided that Flushing is no longer a safe place for Lotus. However, since I am a community worker and devote all my time to clarify the truth to the local Chinese people, I decided to continue to stay here in Flushing. Throughout the year of 2008, I personally translated over forty different cases of Falun Dafa practitioners received death threats, beating, verbal abuse. My office for my community work then suffered from eviction, due to a local Chinese went to the building manager to defame me. In April this year, Lotus and I were forced out from our space, with all of our personal properties confiscated by the building manager. We became homeless. Several senior Falun Dafa practitioners (already in their seventies) who had fled China due to persecution and were housed by my office lost my support and have suffered greatly. On August 19, 2010, I watched little Lotus at the age of three to be relocated to help to comfort the sorrow hearts of my new family.
Today I saw the movie, "China's Unnatural Death: the tears of Sichuan Province", a documentary movie which showed how heart broken the mothers of the school children killed in the Sichuan Earth Quake. The Sichuan Earth Quake has come all the way to the United States, and has also endangered my new family here in New York. The hate created by the lies of the Chinese Communist Party towards Falun Dafa practitioners has encouraged innocent Chinese people to commit hate crimes on the land of America.
Who is behind the hate crimes? Last year, the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) released a taped phone conversation between Peng and a WOIPFG undercover investigator. This investigator, posing as an ally, praised Peng on the "huge scene in fighting Falun Gong" in Flushing and asked how the consulate was involved in the mobilization of a crowd of hundreds in a short period of time. Peng is recorded to answer, "They came over after they fought with Falun Gong and I shook their hands with them one by one and thanked them"; "I went there the day before yesterday and also three days ago"; "I usually park my car far from the scene because I must avoid being seen."
Upon the release of the tape, Attorney Robert Gottlieb stated that "It is very clear that the consul general is an active participate in inciting these criminal acts." The attorney also stated that Peng could be expelled from the United States if it is found that he had encouraged the attackers, regardless of diplomatic immunity. "Immunity, nevertheless, does not give foreign nationals the right, the power, the protection against conspiring with individuals, to violate the civil rights of people here in the United States as this individual, the consul general, clearly has done," said Gottliob. "It does not give them the protection from being thrown out of this country”
2. Peng Keyu carried out hate campaign against Falun Gong even before he came to New York
The violation of my civil rights, by Peng Keyu, started in 2002, when Peng Keyu was the Chinese Consul General in San Francisco. He spread hate propaganda about Falun Dafa to the many oversea Chinese association and student organizations, as well as to the elected officials of the United States. Among them was Gary Locke, the former governor of Washington State, and now the Secretary of Commerce of the Obama Administration. Peng Keyu brainwashed a group of "anti-cult" scholars in the American Family Foundation, which then actively helped the Chinese Communist Government to spread hate towards Falun Dafa practitioners here in America. They even specifically targeted the spouses of Falun Dafa practitioners and tried to convince the spouses that the practitioners are practicing "evil cult". My husband then, Alan, a Jewish man, was quickly transformed by such lies and started to force me to choose between marriage and the practice of Falun Dafa. When I told him that I will not stop the practice of Falun Dafa, he started forced divorce proceedings towards me. In 2004, my marriage with him was broken under his persistent legal battl. He gained total custody of my son Noah, who has been kept away from me since then. Five years later, when I just started my new family here in New York, the same man, Peng Keyu, started a hate crime here in Flushing, and again now is endangering my new family.
When I read the news about Peng Keyu switched the lights on the Empire State Building, this is what I want to say to the general public of America:
How can American public allow a criminal from the Chinese Communist Government to glorify the violent and deceptive Communist Regime on the land of America? The bloody flag of the Chinese Communist Party can not represent true China, which has been raped by the Chinese Communist Party since its very start. Chinese Communist Party has been treating America as its enemy. How can American public allow the enemy to do whatever it wants, under the name of "good business"?
Chinese Communist Party is the evil specter which has created a gigantic cancer for humanity and has been transforming every Chinese to become a cancer cell. Anyone who is controlled by this evil specter becomes a cancer cell. Sadly, many elected officials (such as John Liu and Gary Locke) and many leaders of different social stratum in this country have already been controlled by the Chinese Communist Party's evil specter, and now are the cancer cells infiltrated (metastasized) into America.
A thorough elimination of the evil specter of CCP from the land of America is the task of every American who wishes to see human rights and democracy of this nation be safeguarded and enjoyed by our children.
A Letter from Dr. Tongwen Wang to Attorney Syndey Peck
Dear Attorney Peck,
This is a message that I sent out to Mr. Zeng's contacting circle of friends. I am sending this to you for your reference.
Dr. Wang
Many Chinese people tried hard to come to America to seek a life of freedom and democracy. They think that as soon as they get their green cards, they are safe from persecution by the Chinese Communist Government. It is far from the truth. As a Falun Dafa practitioner, simply because of my interest in studying the phenomena associated with the amazing healing effects of practicing Falun Dafa, I was subjected to brutal persecution since 2002, even inside of America, as an American Citizen. America does not have any immunity towards the virus attack of the Chinese Communist Party.
Here is some recent news about Mr. Dajun Zeng. (According to Mr. Zeng,) due to his simply speaking some words of conscience about Falun Dafa, he was subjected to discrimination and alienation by those oversea Chinese people who believe in the hate propaganda about Falun Dafa. Two of his former colleagues in the Hubei Province Oversea Chinese Association started to first show signs of distance and disrespect towards him, and eventually developed into verbal harrassment and defamation towards him. Such behaviors agitated Mr. Dajun Zeng to the extent to the cancellation of his business dealing with one of them and the complete severing of all tires with the Hubei Province Oversea Chinese Association. He thought such actions would save him from troubles. To his surprise, his efforts not only did not save him trouble, but started new troubles. He was suddenly approached by this man at his work place. When he asked this man and those he brought with him to leave, this man stepped forward towards him to show direct intimidation towards him. The suppressed frustrations buried inside Mr. Zeng was triggered by such continued intimidation and harassment. It was said that Mr. Zeng waved his arm out of his attempt to push this man away from him, and this man fell onto the ground and pulling Mr. Zeng on top of him. (It was said that: author got this description from Mr, Zheng) This man immediately pretended to be hurt and police was called in. Upon examination, police left without writing a report. However, two weeks later, Mr. Zeng was suddenly approached by police officers at his work place, and in front of many other visitors, he was subjected to body search and was ordered to follow the police officers. Mr. Zeng thought he was taken into the police office for inquiry, but in fact he was arrested and later detained for over twenty four hours. He was charged with three criminal accusations: Harassment, Intentional Assault and Menacing. He has been dragged into criminal court of Brooklyn for two times. He has been given a Order of Protection, which prohibits him from contacting this man in any formats.
After the second hearing, Mr. Zeng again received a call from the police station. He was ordered to return the call. He was later informed that he is now charged with Violation of the Protection Order. Despite Mr. Zeng telling his defending attorney that all of these are false allegations, Mr. Zeng is informed by his defending attorney that she is powerless in stopping him from being arrested, if the police officer insists in doing so.
In order to stop the police officer from arresting Mr. Zeng, I have tried to meet with the Detective in charge of Mr. Zeng's case. To my surprise, the Detective and a crowd of police officers showed apparent unfriendliness (should be called discrimination) towards me. The Detective used cursing words to describe Mr. Zeng and expressed openly to me that he would be ready to humiliate him in front of his "wife and children", if Mr. Zeng refuses to come to surrender himself to him. When I questioned him why he is so angry about an innocent man, and why he refuses to allow me to explain to him the fact, if he is a Detective for investigation into the allegation, he threatened me that if I continued to speak on this subject, he would lock me in as well. Two officers came to force me out from the police station. I told them that I would like to file a report of complaint of hate crimes, they said that hate crime reports are not allowed to be filed in that police station. So I took out my recording device and asked them to repeat what they are trying to say, an officer came out and ordered me to shut down the recording. He escorted me out from the police station.
Mr. Zeng surrendered himself to the detective arround 4:35 PM this afternoon while I was questioning the Detective regarding why he refused to let me inform him the facts. Although I told Mr. Zeng not to come in, it is apparent to me that he did not want me to be in trouble.
I have not heard any news from him. I believe that he is arrested and will be spending tonight in the cell again.
On the surface, this is an isolated case of not much significance. However, looking deeper into it, it is a case that shall make everyone of us alert. Today, it is Mr. Zeng who is now being a target of attack by an invisible dark hand. But tomorrow such fate could fall onto anyone of you, who, if do anything that is not conforming to what the Chinese Communist Party's rule, would be a new target, with an intention to humiliate and intimidate you enough to stop the good things your conscience calls you to do.
I hope to see good hearts coming together to safeguard the human rights and democracy which are now being threatened by the Chinese Communist Party, even on the land of America.
I here call upon those who are interested in the topic, with skills and knowledge in the relevant fields, to brainstorm a solution of such a case. Mr. Zeng needs everyone's support.
Thank you and good night.
Dr. Tongwen Wang
(Notes by the Author: I here am asking Mr. Zeng to make sure the above information is true)
A Letter From Mr. Dajun Zeng to Dr. Tongwen Wang
不知你是否能够找到这份报道的英文版?注意这篇报道中部的照片:纽约市议员托尼‧艾瓦拉(Tony Avella)说:“我们将尽全力,不让中共得逞。这个时候公开站出来说话很重要。”如果他还在台上,我的材料整好后可去请他帮助!
2008年6月4日中午,法轮功学员李祥春博士向美国众议院议长南希‧佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)讲述了中共雇佣地痞流氓在纽约法拉盛街头闹事、煽动仇恨、围攻法轮功学员事件,并把纽约中领馆领事彭克玉承认幕后操纵法拉盛事件的录音以及整个事件的详细资料亲手递交给佩洛西议长。
法拉盛事件头目避FBI调查 寻退路反戈中共
【正体版】 【打印机版】 【字号】大 中 小
美国国土安全部部长Michael Chertoff在一个招待会上与法轮功学员见面,听法轮功学员介绍法拉盛暴力事件。(摄影:方明/大纪元)
法轮功学员李祥春博士向到场的国会众议院多数党领袖霍耶(Steny Hoyer)讲述了中共操控特务暴徒在法拉盛暴力攻击法轮功学员的事件。(摄影:亦平/大纪元)
纽约市议员托尼‧艾瓦拉(Tony Avella)说:我们将尽全力,不让中共得逞。这个时候公开站出来说话很重要。(摄影:马有志/大纪元)
14 日游行当日,中共领馆特务事先联络的侨社华人大多都没到场,有的领了钱,也不露面,说是要回避。也有组织这场闹剧的幕后人士,开始寻退路,主动接受媒体采访,反戈中共。
*中共将法拉盛作摄影棚 帮凶作演员 制作造假视频新闻欺骗大陆民众
6月 11日,温哥华一位天津口音的读者,打电话至温哥华大纪元时报办公室爆料。他在大纪元有关纽约法拉盛事件的报导中,认出其中一张照片上,有一名向法轮功退党义工不雅的竖起中指的女子来自温哥华。这位读者相信在纽约法拉盛的这些流氓来自不同国家,不同城市。
图说:退党服务中心义工,法轮功学员朱迪‧陈(右)5月17日被法拉盛中共收买的流氓地痞死亡威胁和殴打,他的儿子John L.Caldwell在美国特种部队,刚从伊拉克前线赶回纽约,他在法拉盛图书馆前召开媒体新闻会,就母亲在5月19日,法拉盛暴力事件中被中共帮凶殴打一事进行谴责,并呼吁相关部门做调查,将打人帮凶绳之以法,驱逐出美国国土。(摄影:拉希尔斯/大纪元)
朱迪‧陈有两个儿子在美国特种部队,在伊拉克前线服役,保护美国。6月7日,法轮功学员,退党服务中心义工朱迪陈的儿子John L.Caldwell从伊拉克战场返回到纽约。晚7点,在法拉盛图书馆前,John L.Caldwell召开媒体新闻会,就自己的母亲在5月19日的法拉盛暴力事件中,被中共帮凶殴打一事进行谴责,并呼吁相关部门进行调查,将打人帮凶绳之以法,驱逐出美国的国土。Caldwell还表示,会永远支持母亲对法轮功的信仰,并为她而感到骄傲。
一位曾经参加二战的美国老兵 Theodore Byers,85岁,他14日专门给法拉盛声援退党集会发来书面发言,他说:「我们在海外保卫美国的时候,我很放心在家园的母亲,我知道国家会保护她。但是,朱迪‧陈,这位儿子在军中服役的母亲,她有两个儿子在美国特种部队,在伊拉克前线服役,保护美国。她本人却在美国本土受到共产党组织的流氓地痞的袭击,我感到震惊!这在美国历史上是罕见的,我很惊讶,这样的犯罪,为何允许在美国发生。」