今日真言: 《给王彤文母亲的信》
Today's True Words: "Letter to Dr. Wang Tongwen's Mother"
The law is majestic. Forgiveness does not mean let go personal responsibilities of upholding Truth and Justice.
Tong Ming’s parents both died of cancer because of the hate propaganda against Falun Gong. They were brainwashed in the United States, acted as evil helpers, and participated in the crime of persecution of Dr. Wang Tongwen. The Jiang Devil Head ordered to persecute Falun Gong practitioners through "Ruin their reputation; make them financially bankrupt, and eliminate them physically". Dr. Wang Tongwen was divorced by her husband, who in the divorce process stole and robbed her financial resource. Her parents were brainwashed and actively cooperated with evil to transform Dr. Wang Tongwen, and instructed her brother to carry out illegal activities even in the United States, and together these Dr. Wang Tongwen's family members almost helped Jiang the Devil Head accomplished the goal of persecution of Dr. Wang Tongwen simply because she chose to be a Falun Dafa practitioner.
王彤文的宽容与慈悲,才让家人能走到今天。王彤文的家人们若今天还站在邪恶一边,他们绝不再是王彤文的家人, 生命将失去未来。
It was Dr. Wang Tongwen’s tolerance and compassion that has allowed his family members to survive today. If Dr. Wang Tongwen’s family members are still on the evil side today, they will no longer be Dr. Wang Tongwen’s family members, and their lives will have no future.
To legally investigate the Truth of the persecution case of Dr. Wang Tongwen and to rectify what was done wrong is the greatest compassion and tolerance for Dr. Wang Tongwen’s family, and it is the salvation of Dr. Wang Tongwen's family.
So please take this matter with utter most seriousness.
The Whole Elephant Institute must thoroughly investigate all the criminal acts of the evil Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in the United States against Falun Gong practitioners and bring them to justice. All the financial resource belong to Dr. Wang Tongwen is the trust of the American public in Dr. Wang Tongwen, thus not even one penny of such resource shall be used wrongly. Those who illegally stole and robbed the resource of Dr. Wang Tongwen must be brought to justice and must handover the stolen and misplaced resource in full to the Whole Elephant Institute and then actively support the community service work of the Whole Elephant Institute with such resource, to use real actions to cleanse the sins, so that these sinners can be saved.
Dr. Wang Tongwen’s parents, elder brother, elder sister-in-law, and husband are all sinners due to being deceived by the poisonous lives of the evil CCP. Therefore, they must reflect and repent, otherwise the consequences will be serious.
Practicing kindness and forgiveness is virtuous.
However, practicing superficial "kindness and forgiveness" to those whose minds are controlled by demons, not only can not help them, but also would encourage and support their demonic evil doings.
Tong Ming received the tolerance of Dr. Wang Tongwen. He forced Dr. Wang Tongwen into homeless; he deprived Dr. Wang Tongwen' rights as a mother; he prevented Mom-Son reunion; he defamed Dr. Tongwen Wang' character; he created communication and relationship barriers for Dr. Wang Tongwen to friends, colleagues, neighbors, and family members; he illegally stole and robbed Dr. Wang Tongwen's real estate properties and more and takes totally control over them. Dr. Wang Tongwen was always silently forbearing him, giving him property, giving his son, telling him the truth, year after year, fifteen years have passed. However, today, he shows no remorse, no gratitude, no repentance but persistently walking his path heading towards self destruction.
In the past fifteen years, Dr. Wang Tongwen’s financial resource could have helped many people. However, because of her being deprived into a state of penniless, she couldn’t deliver the timely help to the public, while the public has been giving her boundless trust and expectation. Because she was deprived of her resources, the Whole Elephant Institute has been lacking the start-up funds, and her efforts failed to be advanced at a critical time. She therefore lost a lot of public trust. In the fifteenth year, Noah could not get the Mom's daily loving care and the most important wisdom and knowledge from his beloved Mom, and has been struggling alone in the dark to grew up with tremendous stress and sufferings emotionally and spiritually. Although to a strong Noah, these served as tribulations for making him stronger, but to Tong Ming, his sins are increasing daily and he is walking on the road of no return. In addition, due to Dr. Wang Tongwen's being forced into homeless and penniless situation, her beloved daughter, Ms. Lotus Blossom Weiss, was forced to leave her beloved Mom at the age of three and a half, and she had to be living away from Mom ever since.
如此残忍的现实,彤文的妈妈,爸爸,哥哥,又为什么能活得这般轻松,还要高谈宽容与尊重? 难道不怕神怒的烈火吗?
In face of such cruel reality, how can Dr. Wang Tongwen's family members live so happily and with great leasure, preaching loudly to Dr. Wang Tongwen to exercise "Forgiveness and Respect" towards Tong Ming?
注: 同明是王彤文的犹太人丈夫,英文名:
Notes: Tong Ming is Dr. Wang Tongwen's Jewish husband, with a English name:
Alan Scott Genatossio
二零零零年四月,旧金山中领馆通过对美囯"反邪教"组织American Family Foundation AFF的全面洗脑,由AFF在美国各大州举办"Cults and Millennium" 大会,系统地针对美国主流社会放毒,也针对中西通婚家庭中不修炼的一方洗脑,说什么"法轮功贬低混血儿",从而挑动这些修炼人的家庭矛盾,当时有75个修炼人家庭受迫害。
In April 2000, the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco, through comprehensive brainwashing of the American Family Foundation (AFF), which was an American anti-cult organization, promoted AFF to hold the "Cults and Millennium" conferences in major states of the United States to systematically target the mainstream American society. It also aimed at destroying Falun Dafa practitioners' families by targeting the spouses of Falun Dafa practitioners who were not practicing Falun Dafa, and particularly to those Chinese practitioners who married Western non practitioners, claiming with deceptive statements such as "Falun Gong discriminate children with mixed blood", thus inciting the family conflicts of these Falun Dafa practitioners. At that time, 75 practitioners' families were targeted.
纪同明在参加此会仪后,开始偷偷准备与王彤文离婚,偷夺财产,从二零零二年六月偷卖王彤文在麻省Arlington, Massachusetts的两家庭私房,二零零二年十月逼王彤文在分居书上鉴字,二零零二年底将王彤文儿子王飞山彻底与母亲隔离,二零零三年春天正式开始离婚寄,逼得王彤文几乎精神崩溃,"到二零零四年逼王彤文继续高薪工作以支付对他与孩子的生活费,最后,当王彤文坚定地继续走正法修炼之路后,于二零零五年初,当王彤文来纽约支持营救李祥春讲真相项目时,逼迫王彤文家人卖她在华盛顿州Seattle, Washington的家庭私房。
After attending one of such conferences held in Seattle in April 2000, Tong Ming began to secretly prepare to divorce Dr. Wang Tongwen and to steal her property and resources. In June 2002, he secretly sold Dr. Wang Tongwen’s two-family house in Arlington, Massachusetts (51 53 Amsden Street., Arlington, MA 02474) and purchased a new house in Seattle, Magnolia, Washington (3447 39th Avenue, West, Seattle, WA 98199). In October 2002, he forced Dr. Wang Tongwen to sign the agreement of separation; he then completely separated Noah away from his mother at the end of 2002; in the spring of 2003, he officially began divorce case, which forced Dr. Wang Tongwen to almost mental breakdown; in 2004, he forced Dr. Wang Tongwen to continue to pay the living expenses of him and Noah; finally, when Dr. Wang Tongwen firmly continued to follow the path of being a Falun Dafa practitioner, in early 2005, when Dr. Wang Tongwen came to New York to support the rescue of Dr. Charles Li truth-clarification project, he forced Wang Tongwen’s family members to sell her private family house in Magnolia, Seattle, Washington (2643 38th Ave. West, Seattle, WA 98199).
王彤文的父母因受邪党谎言的蒙骗,以"王彤文要把她所有的财产给法轮功"为借口,要求王彤文在密苏里州St. Louis, Missouri 做科研工作的哥哥去西雅图,王彤文哥哥用了自己同事Amelia Gallitano Mendel 写的假医疗诊断书,成了王彤文的"监护人", 从而彻底剥夺了王彤文的一切正常人的权力, 因为在西雅图法庭上她是个得了"抑郁躁狂症 Manic Depression"的"精神不正常"的"无能者incapacitated"。
Dr. Wang Tongwen’s parents were deceived by the lies of the evil CCP. They used the excuse that "Wang Tongwen wanted to give all her property to Falun Gong" and asked Dr. Wang Tongwen's elder brother, Dr. Jianxin Bao, who was a researcher at St. Louis, Missouri, to go to Seattle, Washington. Dr. Jianxin Bao then used his colleague Dr. Amelia Gallitano Mendel to write a fake medical diagnosis toward Dr. Wang Tongwen to make himself a "Legal Guardian" of Dr. Wang Tongwen, thus completely deprived Dr. Wang Tongwen's all rights as a normal human being, because she was labeled with "Manic Depression" in the Seattle court and thus became an "incapacitated" person.
This was the state of being, when Dr. Wang Tongwen arrived at Flushing, New York in the Spring of 2005, to start to build the Whole Elephant Institute. The local Falun Dafa practitioners were not aware of her true situation. The evil created all sorts of delusional manifestations based upon the human attachments of local practitioners to isolate Dr. Wang Tongwen to prevent her to become part of the teamship of doing truth-clarification work in New York. Dr. Wang Tongwen then decided to walk her own path by following Teacher and following Dafa with complete FAITH, and live with dignity openly as a Dafa Disciple. Dr. Wang Tongwen founded the Whole Elephant Institute, through which she has been serving the community and thoroughly clarified the truth of Falun Dafa in order to save the precious sentient beings of both East and West societies.

51-53 Amsden Street, Arlington, MA 02474

3447 39th Avenue, West, Seattle, WA 98199

2643 38th Ave. West, Seattle, WA 98199

Greetings, my son. You have been quietly enduring all the sufferings of loneliness and isolation throughout the past 15 years since Dad was targeted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Evil Head, Jiang Zemin, who ordered to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners with such an evil strategy, "Ruin their name, make them financially bankrupt and eliminate them physically". Dad believed in the hate propaganda after his attending the 2000 year "Cult and Millennium" Conference hosted by the American Family Foundation", whose Board of Directors were targeted by the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco, and started to operate as tools of the evil CCP to spread hate towards Falun Dafa in the main stream of America. As a result, Dad divorced Mom and deprived Mom's rights to be with you since you were only seven years old. The sweet and beautiful family life you used to have as a young child forever was destroyed. You were surrounded by defamational statements towards your beloved Mom. But you never changed in your heart your faith and love towards her. Nana and Papa loved your Mom dearly, but due to believing in the CCP hate propaganda, they closed their loving hearts towards her until shortly before their painful death from cancer, a deadly disease that Mom has been committed to fight, and firmly believe that it is caused by microcosmic evil entity of hate and deception. Sadly, Nana and Papa fell into victims of hate. Today, you have risen to be a young leader and so let us work together to say NO to hatred, to deception, to the evil CCP infiltration into America that has been secretly killing innocent beautiful lives through spreading lies and hate. Let us unite all our friends and family members to STOP persecution. Let us help Dad to be Good again and be united again with Mom and all good people to have a great future!
Mom sends TRUST-LOVE-RESPECT 信愛敬 to all of your friends and all members of the Genatossio Family, and all our good neighbours and old friends in Seattle!Together we build a great future.Happy Birthday, my wonderful strong son!
November 1st, 2018 from the Whole Elephant Institute Flushing Office