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The Whole Elephant Institute Sends Best Wishes to 

All Good People in the World

on the Christmas Eve of 2018 !


Merry Christmas!

In the past over 19 years, the modern time Divine Messengers

( have been delivering TRUTH to the human world amidst brutal evil persecution, just like Lord Jesus the great God who came to the human world over 2000 years ago with the mission to establish the divine culture of the West, through playing the role of the messenger of the Jewish Heavenly Father.

在过去的十九多年中,神的信使们 (一直在严酷的邪恶迫害中坚守真理传播真相,就如两千多年前的伟大的神,主耶稣, 他以天父信使的角色来到人间,目的是在人间开创西方神传文化。

History is repeating herself. Can modern people in the world recognize the Great God Jesus when Jesus is back to the human world to save people?


Be Alert! The devil now is manifesting into various forms that are deceiving people to turn away from the divine:

注意了: 那个魔鬼为了让人背离神,现在正以各种形象展现在世人面前:

Communism, Socialism, Modern Empirical Science, Theory of Evolution, Dialectic Materialism, Women's Rights, High Taxation high social benefits, Political Correctness, Progressiveness, Environmentalism, Globalization etc.


It taps into all aspects of the various forms of human dreams of wanting to have a happy and comfortable human life in the human world. It encourages modern people to pay attention only to the superficial material world and to forget the true purpose of being a human, and even turn human into beasts without human morality and human common values, thus making human beings go against the divine and walk on the path of self-destruction.


Jesus the Great God was born into the human world to validate with his entire human life journey that human beings, through learning Truth, following Truth, and upholding Truth, despite evil persecution, despite losing human physical body, can ultimately go beyond humanness and become a magnificent high being: God.

伟大的神主耶稣在人世间出生,用他做人的一生来证实,人通过寻找真理,追随真理,坚守真理,无论邪恶如何迫害,甚至夺走他的肉身,最后,人能升华到超脱人的伟大的高层生命: 成为神!

So let us remember this great sacred lesson Jesus provided to us all, on this Christmas Eve, and let us seek the Truth, follow the Truth, and uphold the Truth all the way to our TRUE HEAVENLY HOME!


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