《全象科学: 新时代新人类新科学》
"The Whole Elephant Science: A New Era for a New Mankind"
June 23, 2017
Author: Dr. Lotus King Weiss
President of the Whole Elephant Institute
Molecular Biology is considered to be the frontier field of Modern Life Science of the Modern Empirical Science. The understanding of Universe, Life and Human Body, for humankind, at the human level, has reached to a dead end.
实証科学的基点,是经典物理学,对宇宙人体时空的认知,建立在人表层分子系统,即人的肉体系统的认知层面上, 只能认识分子组成的物质世界的局部表象之间的规律。
The foundation of modern empirical science is the classical physics. The understanding of universe, human body and time-space is limited to the capacity of the human body made of molecules, that is, the learning capacity of the physical body that can only recognize the limited laws governing part of the physical world made of molecules.
当比分子更微观更宏观的宇宙体系的现象成为人类最前沿的新科学体系的研究对象时,特別展现在高能物理 (更微观),天体物理 (更宏观),人体生命科学 (中西方神传文化中的关于精神,灵魂,信仰,神言,神迹) 的全新研究领域中,只适用于分子层面的物质世界的经典物理学全盘坍塌了。
When phenomena from the more microcosmic and more macrocosmic systems of the universe become the subject of studies of the most frontier new science fields and systems, especially those in the areas of quantum physics (more microcosmic) and astrophysics (more macrocosmic) as well as in the area of human life science (this includes the studies of human spirituality, souls, faith, divine words and miracles), in such new science fields, the classic physics that is only suitable for understanding the laws govern the molecular world totally collapses.
相对论 (The Theory of Relativity),量子物理学 (Quantum Physics) 的诞生,是人类试图走出分子层面现象的结果。
The Theory of Relativity and Quantum Physics were born, as a result of the efforts of mankind seeking understandings of the Law governing the world beyond the molecular world.
量子物理学中揭示的微观世界的现象 (如波粒二象性 wave-particle duality,量子纠缠 quantum entanglement),使肉体人类层面的认知系统无法解释,使实证科学的假设理论系统彻底崩溃,从而使以现代实证科学体系认知层面为基础的现代哲学科学人文体系,全面坍塌。
In the field of Quantum Physics, the phenomena of wave-particle duality and quantum entanglement observed in the microcosmic worlds is beyond the capacity of explanation within the boundary of human level physical body realm of understandings. Such is the cause of total collapses of the assumed "truth", the assumed theories which founded the modern empirical sciences, leading to the complete collapses of modern ideologies in philosophy, science, social relationship, culture, an entire modern system built upon the modern empirical science system of understandings.
坚定的顽固不化的唯物论者也开始重新面对人类哲学史中永恒的话题: 物质和精神的关系是什么? 人是什么? 人的灵魂是什么? 人从哪里来? 人类的生老病死的规律是什么?
Thus, even those stubborn steadfast "Materialists" also start to take a fresh look at those eternal topics of the human history philosophy, such as: what is the relationship between matter and mind? what is man? where does the human spirit come from? what is the origin of mankind? what are the laws that govern the birth, aging, sickness and death of mankind?
The seven blind men touching different parts of the elephant is the best symbol to depict the Empirical Science. Only when mankind as a whole elevate to a new level, mankind will embrace a totally New Science: the Whole Elephant Science, a New Era for a New Mankind.

The Whole Elephant Daily Truth
July 10, 2017
It seems to be unfathomable for a human being to be able to take off and fly into the space and disappear in broad day light.
因为现代人类相信的现代科学让人的思维局限在一个框框中,而现代实证科学的基点: 实证,在比分子更微观的粒子构成的宇宙体系中是错误的。
This is because the thinking of human kind is now locked down inside of a frame by the so called modern science that modern people hold total faith to. However, the foundation of modern empirical science, that is, the so called empirical, is mistaken when such a doctrine is applied to observe the microcosmic worlds composed of particles smaller than molecules.
Newton’s Gravity Theory of Newton's Physics in fact is only based upon phenomena instead of revealing the true principles behind the phenomena.
In the microcosmic world modern physics labeled as quantum, scientists observed the “photoelectric effect.”
Electrons within a material such as a piece of metal will be set free and take off (emission)when light with sufficient energy shines upon the material.
With the same mechanism, when the human body composed of particles smaller than molecules are assimilated to the high energy systems of microcosmic worlds, the human body will certainly able to take off and fly into the space just like the photo electron activated by light.
In fact, the first Emperor of China, the Yellow Emperor, ended his human life journey with taking off and fly into the space under the broad day light!
Is this superstitious?
No, it is True Super Science!
This is the Whole Elephant Science.

The Whole Elephant Daily Truth
July 9, 2017
Scientists are finding amazing things in the Universe.
Many new stars are forming, many stars are exploding.
The Universe is undergoing so much changes that they do not know how and why.
But Falun Dafa practitioners know exactly why.
The entire milky way is being taken out from the rest of the Universe and is ready to be washed clean.
Those bad beings who are totally beyond salvation due to turning away from the Great Law of the Universe will eventually be weeded out.
Time has been speeding up since 1999.
Every year now in fact is only one minute of the time before 1999.
But since everything human beings can sense are in the same field of time and space. So human beings cannot see this Truth.
Scientists only are reporting that the Universe is expanding. In fact, it is not so. It is because the milky way is rapidly being isolated and pulled away from the rest of the universe.
Great amazing things are happening in the world, but most people are still asleep.
Waking up yourself through diligent daily cultivation, then go to wake up every precious being you know, is your most important responsibility in this human life of yours.

Reflection on Dafa Cultivation
“神才妙舞 韵雅声扬”
To have a human body is a great blessing only if the human body is applied to Dafa cultivation.
The main spirit is locked inside of this molecular system and no longer able to see all true existences of the layers upon layers of universes but only a small part of the one dimension between molecules and the next larger layer of particles which we call the stars in the skies.
So human beings are lost in delusion and are destined to go through sufferings due to having this physical body.
The purpose of being human at the bottom layer of the universe and going through sufferings is in fact for the main spirit to rise beyond humanness and return to the original space of the universe where the main spirit was first born, through Dafa cultivation.
The Dafa Cultivation Practice is like growing a Lotus Flower.
The seed of the lotus flower is deeply rooted in the mud.
The human world is like the mud.
All filth of the human world, in fact, for a cultivator, does play a positive role.
When people treat a cultivator bad, created all sorts of troubles, presented all types of temptations, all is to provide a cultivator with the opportunities to rise beyond.
The entire human society lives for sentimentality, which is a matter like water for fish, the entire human society is soaked in it and cannot live without it.
The Dafa cultivators live in the human society, with families and jobs, and have all kinds of social relationships. Human beings live for sentimentality, pursuing for names and profit, struggling against each other. A Dafa cultivator, however, will conform maximally to all formats of human society, while differentiate himself from the ordinary people through constantly letting go of sentimentality, name and profit thereby departing from humanness and rise to higher realms beyond humanness.
The Lotus seed buds and grows upward constantly from the mud and water, but with an ultimate goal of going beyond to reach above the water. Sunlight is like the Truth, guiding the growth of the Lotus seed. The inner One Thought within the Lotus Seed, is the driving force that defines a True Lotus:
The Thought of wanting to Cultivate to Return to the Origin of Live.
That thought is most precious, is called the Buddha Nature in Buddhism, and that thought of wanting to cultivate makes one receive helps from enlightened beings to help.
Wishing all predestined is awakened by my deep thoughts and embarks on the path of Return as soon as possible.
Please visit the Dafa Cultivation Website:
June 5, 2017
Flushing, New York