【大紀元3月22日訊】最近看了不少中國大陸美術界同行發表在網頁上的作品,感慨之餘思考了這麼幾個問題,與大家一起共同探討。 藝術表現的終極目地是對美的追求和展現,美術的意義就在於「美」。如果在一個國度,人們從畫展及繪畫作品中看不到天高地闊而具神韻的人情風物,看不到「美」,而普遍看到的卻是繪畫中充斥低級庸俗,色情頹廢及陰暗和流氓習氣,那麼是否意味著這個國家的美術正在走向全面墮落?中國大陸目前的美術狀況正是給人留下了這樣的憂慮。 是甚麼因素導致了這樣一個異常的藝術環境? 筆者認為究其根本是由於黨文化對大陸美術界的長期控制和污染形成的。以下幾個原因也許能說明一些問題: 1、黨文化扼殺了藝術家的心智和人格,使其不可能向健康和美好的方向發展。因為在中國傳統的理念中,知識界也就是士大夫階層,歷來以憂國憂民為己任,視關懷中華民族前途為責無旁貸。而共產黨統治下的中國,知識界包括藝術界已被徹底奴化,極權暴政是不允許知識份子說話的。黨文化的環境迫使大陸藝術家不敢也不可能去思考大範圍內屬於人們生活中精神層面的東西。而一個建全的藝術家人格,首先應具備的就是獨立思想的能力及觀察和表現能力,那自然就包含對人生方方面面的思考。當藝術家被剝奪了對人生精神層面的思考,就無法使藝術創作走向完美,一定是殘缺的。 2、當藝術家失去精神境界的支撐,就失去了藝術創作的源泉。事實上那時的藝術家只有兩條路可走,一是淪為黨的宣傳工具,為統治者的需要也為了自身利益去創作。二是作品走向庸俗化,唯唯喏喏追求技巧以避免涉入危險區域。 另一方面,在暴政謊言的邪黨腐敗專制下,大陸民眾普遍道德水準敗壞。而當藝術家的道德水準跌落,被污染的心智就無法創造出美好的作品。因為藝術是心靈的展現,畫家畫出的每一筆都會帶出本人的所有信息。同時,道德水準的普遍敗壞導致了人群的欣賞水準敗壞。也使得大量醜陋的作品有市場。 前些年風靡中國大陸的行為藝術畫展,居然是一個「藝術家」吃死嬰孩,其過程恐怖噁心,令人不寒而慄,居然轟動中國大陸。而當這個展覽試圖到中國以外的國家展出時,遭到世界各國藝術家的一致抵制,人們憤怒的指出,為甚麼能允許這樣的展出?在西方普遍人性的價值觀中,人們不能理解為甚麼如此反人性的反人類的「藝術」能在中國大陸成立? 從表面上看,目前中國大陸藝術家們好像都有充分的創作自由,可以自由的學習西方藝術。可是事實上一個中國大陸出來在黨文化抑制下的藝術家與西方藝術家有本質上的區別。西方的藝術環境是以傳統的文藝復興為基點的,也就是說,人們普遍承認神的存在。西方各國的總統就職宣誓是對神宣誓的。正因為承認神的存在,才有了西方社會的普遍價值觀,其中包括對人生命的珍視,對人權和自由的尊重。 目前世界上除了中共統治下的大陸是無神論一統天下,全世界範圍內都是有神論。那麼就形成了藝術品本質上的內涵的差異。而當中國藝術家希望通過學習西方美術技巧而充實自己的畫面時,首先面臨的是形式與內涵的關係問題,因為一幅偉大的藝術品一定是內涵與形式一致的。表現神傳文化的西方文藝復興時期的藝術家的內心修為是敬神的,如果我們只效仿形式不同化內涵是否會得到真正的藝術真諦呢? 當人們站在盧浮宮的殿堂中,仰望那一幅幅人類藝術的珍品,無限輝煌的色彩展示出神的偉大。在震驚藝術美的瞬間,真實的感受到心靈的淨化。你會覺得隨著畫面中天使飛昇的潔白翅膀,生命昇華了。 回憶80年代的中國美術界,曾經有過一次美展使所有的美術創作者及美術愛好者難忘,展出的作品是法國十八世紀農村風景畫。在北京和上海展出的前一天晚上,展覽館前通宵站滿了排隊等買票的人,那是中國大陸幾十年來唯一的一次,展出盧浮宮的作品。展覽震撼了所有看展的觀眾,震撼了大陸美術界。人們時隔很久還在談論著這個畫展。 其實,生命對美的追求是任何暴政都擋不住的。中國大陸藝術家們內心都在渴望和追尋美,只是由於這個現實環境而無奈。可是藝術不會永遠被黨文化控制,世間一切事物都在生生不息的變化著。一旦「九評」在中國大陸廣泛傳播,人們從黨文化中覺醒過來,一旦藝術家們能夠從目前現實中突破種種精神及物質的壓力和束縛,回歸到正常的思維及創作狀態中來,就會向世界展現出驚人的智慧和創作力,因為中國人歷來是最聰明和富才能的。那時中國大陸會開始一個藝術創作的新紀元,中國的美術會走向真正的輝煌。 作者簡介:李進宇,加拿大藝術家協會榮譽會員,從事油畫創作二十餘年。曾在加拿大多倫多,蒙特利爾,魁北克,紐約,及珠海和上海多次舉辦個人畫展。作者畢業於上海市工藝美術學校,曾在加拿大康卡迪爾大學藝術系研讀西方美術史。也於繪畫創作之餘寫作。發表作品有:電影文學劇本「生命的火焰」,短篇記實報告文學「我和丈夫共同的路」,「永不忘卻的記憶」等。
2011年七月二十日,為了呼籲全世界善良的人們聯合起來停止對法輪功學員已長達十二年的殘酷迫害, 特別是對大量婦女兒童的非人性的折磨墔殘,李進宇將她在過去五年多中全身心投入而創作出的油畫作品展示給廣大中國民眾,以呼喚良知,正念,希望這反人類的暴行罪惡立即停止!

Heaven Is Weeping
Oil Painting on Canvas
The artist started her work on this painting in 2005. The first version was completed at the end of 2005. In 2006, the artist painted a second version, which was completed in over one year. This is the version that is now on exhibition.
The image depicts a mother holding a blood-stained yellow T shirt, which contains the Chinese characters "Falun Dafa", looking into the sky, which exhibits all the signs of an upcoming major storm, with thunder and ligtening. Her face, her grey hairs blown in the wind, merged into the sky background, as if she is the spirit of the sky, and the emotional pain inside of her is mirrored by the stormy sky. The cause of the storm is that young beautiful daughter's body, covered by a blood-stained cloth, still in handcuffs and shackles, motionless, but still so peaceful and kind in her facial complexion.
It makes anyone ponder: why such a young, kind, peaceful lady, is killed?
Although the image the artist created here does not show any sign of inhumane torture that is known to be the cause of death of thousands of persecuted Falun Dafa Practitioners in Mainland China, the stormy sorrow of the Mother over the death of a beautiful young daughter depicted here is so vivid and shocking, manifesting profound inner content of this painting: the horrific persecution that once fully revealed, would shock the world and make heaven cry! History will forever remember what has happened today.
Falun Dafa cutivators, who strive to elevate the spirit according to Truth-Compassion-Tolerance, have been the target of the most brutal persecution, which atops all forms of cruelty in human history and would make Heaven cry. Among those Falun Dafa Practitioners who were tortured to death, more than 70% are female practitioners; many are children.

Canvas Painting
The artist created this painting based upon a true story: there is a four-year old girl living in Chongqing City, Sichuan Province. Her name is Yuanyuan Zhang. Her parents were held in the forced labor camp because of practising Falun Dafa. The evil police did not even let go of this young girl. During the New Year of 2004, the four-year old little Yuanyuan was forcibly taken to the forced labor camp and was held there for over six months, during which she was subjected to all sorts of torturous experiences. Little Yuanyuan was calling, "I want Mom", out from the inside of the iron window, everyday.
In 2010, when Yuanyuan was 11 years old, the police came to forcibly take her away again. This time she was held in a small cell to be subjected to threat and torture. Later the police took her to a distant relative's home. The little girl was forced to leave home to avoid another arrest. She is currently nowhere to be found. Many are concerned about her safety. The artist sends her wish, through this painting, to all kind-hearted people all over the world, to reach out helping hands to the persecuted children in China.

Mom Where Are You!
Two lovely children, an elder brother and a younger sister, resting in an open field when evening arrives. Apparently exhauted from a long journey of searching, the little girl fell a sleep, while the boy is still fully awake and alert, shouldering the responsibility of protecting the sister at such a young age. In their hands tighy holding a picture of their beloved Mom. The little girl's face was full of innocent hope, as if she was having a wonderful dream of being reunited with the Mom, while the little boy opens his bright eyes full of determination: I must find Mom.
In the background, is the smoking chimney of the notorious "Liaoning Thrombus Treatment Center of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine" located in Sujiatun District of Shenyang City. Under the cover of a "prestigious thrombosis hospital", it was being operated for "live-organ harvesting" of Falun Gong practitioners: a Full-Scale Exterminating Concentration Camp of murduring Falun Gong Practitioners in the most horrific and inhumane way! Over six thousand Falun Gong practitioners all "disappeared" there, and their bodies turned into ashes in that giant Chimney.
Anyone who knows this story shall feel heart-breaking: the two children will never see their Mom again!
Good is Rewarded While Evil Punished
In this painting, the artist depicts a scene of torture of a female Falun Dafa Practitioner, who fully manifests her compassion and endurance and looking into the invisible dimension of extreme glory of high spiritual realms, totally unmoved by the humanly brutality. On the other hand, the ugly evil image of the human form of the persecutor, exhauting his hateful beating, is a target of arrows aiming towards him by the little angels.
In actuality, on the land of mainland China, according to statistics, over three thousand of Falun Dafa practitioners have died from torture since July 20, 1999, when the persecution first started. Ironically, the police officers who carried out the torture and then died from car accidents or cancer numbered over eight thousand. These pitiful lives, because of their pursuit for name and profit, participated in the persecution, and then sadly become a subject of heavenly punishment, with a miserable and sorrowful end.
The artist apparently is trying to use this painting to bring an ancient morale to her audience: Good is Rewarded While Evil Punished. Humanity shall live with righteouness and human conscience shall be sustained.

An American Girl in Meditation
Oil Painting on Canvas
This painting depicts a little Western girl sitting under the morning sunshine, full of grace and peace, doing meditation. She is practicing the Fifth Exercise of Falun Dafa: "Way of Strengthening Divine Powers"
Falun Gong (also known as Falun Dafa) has now spread to over one hundred countries all over the world. Only in America and Canada alone, over three thousand proclamations have been issued towards Falun Dafa. The key teaching text, the book "Zhuan Falun", has been translated into thirty-eight languages. All different ethnic groups from all over the world, from all different age arranges. including young kids and elderly people, can all learn to practice Falun Dafa.
On the land of China, since the first introduction of Falun Gong by Master Li Hongzhi in 1992, over one hundred million people started to practice Falun Gong within a short six years, since practicing Falun Gong have major benefits in elevating one's morality and improving one's health. According to the 1998 survey report of the China National Sports Committee, the rate of Falun Gong practitioners experiencing healing and fitness reached to 97.9%. The reason the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecutes Falun Gong is because Falun Gong is so good that attracted "too many people". The CCP is fearful of the spread of Truth-Compassion-Tolerance in China.